Excerpt: "Michigan regulators say residential and business customers are benefiting from a state law that requires utilities to implement energy-efficiency programs."
The Presque Isle Power Plant near Marquette, Michigan. (photo: Superior Watershed Partnership)
For Every Dollar Michigan Spends on Energy-Saving Programs, Customers Save 3.75
29 November 14
ichigan regulators say residential and business customers are benefiting from a state law that requires utilities to implement energy-efficiency programs.
The state Public Service Commission this week issued a report showing that "energy optimization" savings in 2013 were over target. The targets were established under a 2008 rewrite of Michigan's energy law.
PSC Chairman John Quackenbush says for every dollar spent on energy efficiency programs, customers see $3.75 in savings. Statewide funding for such programs was $253 million in 2013, which regulators say will result in $948 million in savings over the lifetime of measures installed.
Energy efficiency programs are designed to delay the need for construction of new power plants, shielding customers from construction costs passed along in their monthly bills.
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