Lohan reports: "Ruffalo's organization Water Defense has just launched a new campaign called Natural Gas Exxposed, which is seeking to share the stories of people all over the US who have been devastated by the industry."
Families in Pennsylvania can't drink their water and are concerned about their homes blowing up because of gas drilling. (photo: Water Defense.org)
The Video ExxonMobil Doesn't Want You to See
30 March 12
ctor Mark Ruffalo sparred last night with Stephen Colbert over fracking. Colbert of course opined that we're a fossil-fuel country to the core, "We burn things better than anyone's ever burned things - America was built on burning things."
But Ruffalo made the case for clean, sustainable energy and talked about families in Pennsylvania who can't drink their water and are concerned about their homes blowing up because of gas drilling. Ruffalo's organization Water Defense has just launched a new campaign called Natural Gas Exxposed, which is seeking to share the stories of people all over the US who have been devastated by the industry.
The organization explains, "All across the country, gas companies are poisoning water, tearing apart communities and destroying the American dream for thousands of families who can't protect their children from what comes out of the tap."
Here's a look at one of their videos from the project.
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