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Hirsch reports: "President Obama told the pro-Israel lobby AIPAC that while containment of a nuclear Iran was not an option, there was 'already too much loose talk of war.'"

President Barack Obama speaks to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in Washington DC, 05/22/11. (photo: Joshua Roberts/Getty Images)
President Barack Obama speaks to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in Washington DC, 05/22/11. (photo: Joshua Roberts/Getty Images)

Obama to AIPAC: 'Too Much Loose Talk of War'

By Michael Hirsch, National Journal

04 March 12


resident Obama told the pro-Israel lobby AIPAC that while containment of a nuclear Iran was not an option, there was "already too much loose talk of war."

Speaking to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee which began its annual convention Sunday, Obama told the audience to look at the last three years of his tenure as President, and his administration's support of Israel.

"Our military and intelligence cooperation has never been closer. Our joint exercises and training have never been more robust. Despite a tough budget environment, our security assistance has increased every year," Obama said. "We are investing in new capabilities. We’re providing Israel with more advanced technology - the type of products and systems that only go to our closest friends and allies. And make no mistake: we will do what it takes to preserve Israel’s Qualitative Military Edge - because Israel must always have the ability to defend itself, by itself, against any threat."

President Obama said he preferred to resolve the nuclear crisis with Iran through diplomatic and economic means. "I would ask that we all remember the weightiness of these issues; the stakes involved for Israel, for America, and for the world. Already there is too much loose talk of war."

Obama will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday where Iran will be the focus of discussions. your social media marketing partner
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