Ancient Rome with Mass Lead Poisoning, Meth and Hitler’s Super Drug to Make Supermen More Super

Written by Richard Kane   
Friday, 09 August 2013 04:03
Lead in cooking pots is seen as just one of the causes of the fall of Ancient Rome, Hitler’s infatuation with German super pharmaceutical science lead to him being high most of the time and it given out in the factories, army etc. mostly Jews and Gypsies didn't have problems with methamphetamine.

Discussion of the inquisition emphasizes the burning of witches, but slaughtering cats lead to massive rat infection, rat flees and the Bubonic plague, killing much of the population.

Good news is noted starting with the invention of the wheel. However the potato was close to it when it came to Europe. Unfortunately some of the wars in Europe resulted from a massive increase in the population of one group compared to the other.

US history emphasizes the events in Philadelphia on and around the year 1776. However Philadelphia was back then the major economic engine of the country. This goes back to William Penn founding Philadelphia and believing in “that of God” in every man. He became fluent in several native dialects and leaned that the Europeans were filthy for defecating anywhere near where they drink water.

White man's relation to the natives who were already here is seen as pushing them out and or trying to teach them civilized values. However at least in Philadelphia and the events that surround it learning from them is an important factor.

Early on there was a hand and gravity pumped wooden water pipe from the Schuylkill River to Center Square Park were City Hall now stands. The Schuylkill River was at first free from human habitation. Then came stream generated pumps, and slowly Farmount Park grew as the city bought land along the Schuylkill River to keep it industrial free until the it became the largest city owned park in the word, until pollution from Reading made the effort hopeless. When Germantown and other towns became incorporated into Philly they had a right to clean water as well. Continued at the,

I hope the Holocaust Museum adds some Methamphetamine history, and the lectures the dangers of religious fanaticism include the bubonic plague. your social media marketing partner
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