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writing for godot

The Taking of America 1,2,3

Written by V   
Thursday, 23 June 2011 12:29
Glenn Beck is at war with Stephen Lerner.

Glenn Beck is the vapid half truth teller of Fox News and talk RDO fame who shamelessly shills for the powers that be. Stephen Lerner is a community and labor organizer who was taped last weekend saying that what we need to do is stage a nationwide mortgage strike to get the bank’s attention and, quite frankly, take them out.

Glenn Beck, in his efforts to inflame his listeners, calls this call to action “economic terrorism” and he has made sure copies of this tape go to the head shed at JP Morgan (who don’t care) and to the Department of Justice (sic). He also makes the comment on his show, “Context matters and the truth has no agenda.” Boy howdy dude, I couldn’t agree with you more. There is definitely economic terrorism going on but like all of these shills, Glenn misses the boat.

What say we put this whole thing into context and see just what the truth of the matter is? Nothing happens in a vacuum. The Vikings didn’t wreak havoc upon Northern Britain just for the heck of it. No, it was in retaliation for the raids the Brits conducted on their settlements. Catholic Ireland didn’t go on the warpath against Protestant Ireland and Britain just for the heck of it, no, they did it because the Brits had set the Protestants up as top dawg and were oppressing the Catholics.

It goes on and on. Gandhi didn’t lead a revolution against Britain for the heck of it, the Brits had a boot on the back of India’s neck. The Jews didn’t rise up against the Germans in Warsaw because the Germans were being nice and the Germans didn’t oppress the Jews because the Ashkanazi Jews from Central Europe were playing nice.

Blacks in this country didn’t rise up and fight for freedom and equality because they had it safely in hand. No, when they asked for it, they were dragged out of their beds in the middle of the night and strung up as strange fruit in the oak trees in their own front yards. We can go on and on but you get the idea. You can’t blame folks for saying no more.

So let’s look at the context of Stephen Lerner’s call to action. I just finished watching “The Inside Job” which does a pretty darned good job of showing how the scam was set up (although the setup is only a third of the story). Your government bent over for Wall Street and enacted laws and regulations which unleashed predatory capitalism upon the United States and further onto the world. In exchange, the banks gave sweetheart deals, lavish parties, hookers, and good whiskey.

There is plenty of blame to go around but it seems to land pretty heavily upon some Texas Republicans, most notably Phil and Wendy Graham and the entire Bush Family. Those are the leaders but let us not forget, most of the legislation which set up this chaos was a present from both the Democratic and Republican Parties.

Here’s the story in a nutshell. Our politicians, both Democrat and Republican, who are thoroughly owned by the banks (I really do like the idea of NASCAR suits for them), enacted legislation which destroyed the American economy. First they set up a scenario where big business was given incentives to take all of our jobs overseas. Then they dropped all the firewalls between merchant bankers, savings banks and insurance companies letting them merge into monolithic mega-banks who were “too big to fail”. Right after that, courtesy of Phil Graham and Bill Clinton, congress passed and Clinton signed into law the Commodity Futures Modernization Act fir the CFTC which legalized off balance sheet accounting – a legal set of extra books no one was ever able to look at – which facilitated Special Purpose Vehicles, Credit Default Swaps, Interest Rate Swaps, and Collateralized Debt Obligations. The CFTC was presided over by Wendy Graham, Phil’s wife.

This massive deregulation, started by the Big Cowboy himself, Ronald Reagan, then took down America 1-2-3. It was a plan, and it was set to music. The music was lovely when it was playing. The entire country was taken in. The banks flooded the country with cheap money, ever inflated real estate appraisals and a marketing campaign designed to lure all of us into a false sense of prosperity because while on the one hand, they encouraged us to hock ourselves forever into their slavery, on the other, they exported the jobs and industries which made the possibility of repayment moot. They knew in advance they were going to collapse the whole country and set out, with malice of forethought to make it happen so they could become insanely wealthy. In the process they leave themselves in total control once it was all said and done. Like Pinochio, we were led down the primrose path. Who will come to our rescue?

Glenn, I’d call that economic terrorism. “You are either with us, or you are with the Terrorists.” I have a question, who are us? I submit the “us” are the annointed leaders of the country. I’m not one of those “us”. And what happens when “us” are the economic terrorists? I have a question for you Glenn? Why isn’t this RICO? And why aren’t you part of it?

One of the greatest revolutionary acts in the history of the world was when Gandhi marched to the sea and made salt. That simple act brought Britain to its knees and was instrumental in bringing India its freedom from the Imperial Tyranny of Britain. He showed his countrymen that they don’t HAVE to play with their tormentors.

Martin Luther King Jr. showed Black America the same thing. The black community stopped participating with their tormentors. Black maids stopped riding the white owned bus lines which transported them to the white homes to work, black families stopped going to the side entrance of the local white owned haberdashers to buy clothes, black churches stopped depositing their Sunday tithes to white owned banks. Six months of that and the white communities across the South were brought to their knees.

That is all Lerner is trying to show. One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. All he is pointing out is that it is folly to pretend these people will ever play nicely with us. We can NEVER take them out by direct confrontation. We may have lots of guns tucked away in our attics and behind the walls, but they have the army. No, direct confirmation is NOT the way. We would lose in a huge way.

But think this thing out. What can they do if all of us choose NOT to play? If we were all to stop paying our mortgages and take that money instead and prosecute quiet title actions, what COULD they do? You bring them to their knees in 30 days and you overwhelm the courts seeking justice. Do you really think they can send in the Sherriff, or the Army to stick a gun in your face to write the monthly mortgage check?

Your government sold you into debt slavery to the banks. They have their 30 pieces of silver. OK. Fine. Now we know who they are and where they stand. They will not redress our grievances, so we now have no choice but take action of our own.

Follow Gandhi, follow King. Move your money to local banks. They can’t force you to sign the monthly check. If we organize and strike, viciously, passively, where they least expect it, then like Britain, like the dominant White structure in the south, they too shall fall first to their knees, and then to their faces.

Economic terrorism, Glenn? Yes sir, you are dead nuts on the money. But we, who object to the rape, are not the terrorists. We, who object to the rape, are merely tired. We don’t want to play anymore.

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