Business Insider Hosts Dueling Democrats On Betrayal of Class Interests In Advancing Public Interest

Written by Mitchito   
Friday, 19 September 2014 07:30
Whenever US elites betray their class interests and stop trying to get the 99.9 per cent of US working poor, unsustainably employed, unemployed, seniority downsized (try proving ageism) or college-loan debt impoverished to betray our class interests and vote for supply-sider nonsense (try Wiki dossier on Jude Wanniski and the history of Reaganomics aka Voo Doo Doo Doo or Trickle Down or the laughable Laffer Curve that 'reform candidate' Obama and the Weiner ilk of DNC parrot as they shape policies by bowing to Wall Street) that elite had better have way more money than Elizabeth Warren has earned teaching to make any run for office.

A. Weiner's familial closeness to Hill & Bill & their FOBs like Robert Rubin, Lawrence Summers, Peter Orszag, Rahm Emanuel and other money-grabbing public office door revolvers is no secret.

A. Weiner paid a political price for sex-ting. Bill Clinton and his proxy Presidential candidate Hillary have gotten a political Free Pass, nay Political Capital that the FOB who signed NAFTA and Bank Modernization Act of 1998-99, those Working Crass Heroes rode astride their own petard into the Obama-Biden Democratic Convention's keynote address where Slick Willie had the chutzpah of hawking his book PUTTING AMERICA BACK TO WORK, even after his pen strokes of bi-partisan trade bills and capital flight incentives of U.S. AID projects, invoking Republican Reagan-Bush condemnations of Welfare Queens in dismantling the pathetic excuse for a social safety net, that Bill put more Americans out of work than any other administration back to Herbert Hoover!

Neither A. Weiner nor the corporate owned media who've also long hijacked the public airwaves like Archer Daniels Midland for decades rigging Lysine markets without the McNeil-Lehrer report's millionaire journalists nor their PBS\NPR audience being any the wiser, virtually nobody with access to a microphone or broadcast camera called Clinton out as the Enemy of the No Longer Working Class or the Unsustainably Employed class instead of some obscene political rock star. No conspiracy, just bid-net as usual.

No opposition among the RepubliCrat cartel to pivoting away from Main Street and Oval Office photo ops to Wall Street figures like Wells Fargo's credit card czar Kevin Rhein, as Obama and the VP from bank loophole state Del-unaware, namely Six Pack Joe Biden assumed their positions in 2008. Rahm Emanuel cashed in with that Chicago investment bank Wasserstein Perella to the tune of $16.2 million (and that's without ever earning an MBA or a degree in Finance) after gate-keeping Bill & Hill Clinton's White House and he was back as Chief of Staff to Obama in the wake of Clinton's deregulation's wreckage on Main Street for the windfall on Wall Street and now the NY Senator from Wall Street, Chuckie "Credit Card Box" Schumer was going to join the big boys just as Goldman Sachs and AIG found themselves in their time of PR need. They would together keep the Oval Office open for bid-net.

That meant making it safe for the Wells Fargo takeover of the east coast's too-big-to-fail narco money-laundering colossus Wachovia. Wells Fargo's 2008 Credit Card czar Kevin Rhein soon to become the Wells Fargo-Wachovia Chief of Consumer Lending had been a fellow W. Bush , Hank Paulson, and Greenspan acolyte of de-regulation empress Ayn Rand, but he is nothing if not flexible as the Treasury's wink and nod made clear allowing Wells Fargo to purchase their deposit-heavy east coast rival for sub-prime mortgage asset kings Wachovia. Anti-trust concerns? Not a bit of it. Consumer dissatisfaction with lack of responsiveness because the merger allowed the two banks to slash Consumer Lending and Collateralized Debt customer service staffs and shift its robo-signing of securitized loan applications to the congressionally mandated re-fi of all that bad paper?

Borrowers and merchants would now face the cash-starved new economy by needing the national banks way more than the national banks needed any more borrowers. The failure of congress or the Tea Party to push for increasing the required capital reserves of the bailed-out banks means we are all set to bail them out after the next free-trade free-for-all.

Just see how the anti-Israel trap was laid for Elizabeth Warren in today's hit piece on a question asked at Tufts University by an audience member unknown to Dr. Warren. Eva Mosely shifted the paradigm of Dr. Warren's talk from economic injustice to the raw issue of the Gaza retaliatory bombing of Hamas's rocket fire.

The populist talk at Tufts shifted from economic injustices to how loyal is Dr. Warren to the interests of Israel. As if she were advocating on Knesset debates! Or grilling former Bank of Israel and now U.S. Federal Reserve consultant Stanley Fischer on the lectures by former Israeli Accountant General Professor Yaron Zelekha, whose course at the Technion (Israel's MIT) was titled Oligarchy 101 or the 18 Families that control Israel's wealth.

Economic policymakers are rarely drawn from the electoral majority who didn't get born on 3rd base by inheriting their offshore non-productive wealth or tax-sheltered investments. As the insightful batch of today's economic analysts like Timothy THE GREAT DIVERGENCE Noah keep quantifying and concluding, much to the disinterest of the corporate media or American voters who still rally to bomb far-off lands whose states usually lack air forces, not unlike the citizens of other collapsing empires that US inherited without paying any Inheritance Tax, the big lie and necessary illusion is that "A rising tide lifts all boats."

You can't run a self-regulated hedge fund believing or investing like that. Wealth is created by illth or deprivation. Oligarchical privilege is protected not by free markets but by military might. So-called Free Trade is today's version of the gun-boat trade policies that history's most successful global traders employed, like the British Crown-chartered corporations who pushed opium on the Chinese or the China's Maoist Revolution of the Proletariat who man-Han-dled Tibet!

Back then the U.S. was putting up trade barriers to keep the British Empire's crown-chartered monopolies from exploiting the colonies and extending its indentured slavery of the colonist-debtors. After the colonies rebelled those tariffs and trade barriers and criminalizing of capital flight is what helped turn the USA's indentured servitude economy and trade imbalanced internal markets into the envy of the globally trading world. Now since the Bank Modernization Act of 1998-99 that soon-to-be Union Bank of Switzerland board member, but as-yet Texas Tea Party Senator Phil Gramm and 'prudent Midwestern' fellow Republican Thomas Bliley drafted, but it took Labor's partner Democrat Bill Clinton to sign, thereby decommissioning Glass-Steagall, the number of haves amounts to 1/10th of the 1 per cent parking their unfettered and unproductive capital off-shore, while the rest of us join the Third World we used to exploit and patronize.

Thank you Dulles Brothers and clients Chiquita LLC dba National Fruit Company. Now John Foster Dulles sans conflicted interests as President Eisenhower’s Secretary of State has an airport named after him. His brother Allen Dulles, then Eisenhower’s Director of CIA was far more heavily conflicted in his corporate ties to firms supporting the regime changes and overthrow of democratically elected governments in Iran and Guatemala. Those policies taken and controlled in Washington by unaccountable national security elites were attended by mass media blackout and PR persiflage subverting any discussion of what the US Public Interest was and would be should the policies be undertaken.

Covert actions with subsequent life and death and poverty-spreading, wealth concentrating contemporary ramifications shifting control even further in those two resource-rich developing nations to oil and agricultural oligarchs and Landowner Associations with their School of the Americas trained militias and death squads.

Thank you Ronald Supply Sider Reagan and his bi-partisan enablers down to this day staffing our broadcast media via endowed entrepreneurial foundation and think tanks of Golden Rolodex experts. You too have had an airport named after you. Why not? We are a banana republic. your social media marketing partner
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