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writing for godot

Corporate Beast... BE GONE!!!

Written by Craig Reid   
Friday, 30 October 2009 05:08
The beast is upon us. It is more insidious than any vile creature of the darkness. It is more powerful than the army, navy, air force and marines. It is corporate big multi-national business. They control our minds, they are toxic to our democracy. They poison our air and water and have perverted what was once a great, thriving and vital democracy into a money-making machine whose sole existence is for the purpose of lining their pockets with vast amounts of wealth.

They rule our legislatures, our courts and our executive branch of government. Corporations, through their influence over the courts, take away our most fundamental of rights, those of being citizens of this nation, and greedily usurp those rights for their own ends, declaring themselves to be the “people” and therefore entitled to the rights of the “people”. Their scope and reach seems endless for they have infused themselves into every nook and cranny of our society and our very lives. Nothing seems to be out of their grasp.

But what can we do about this? They seem to be so omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent and it truly seems that there is no way to escape their control. Ah, there is one small thread hanging off their sleeve that they have overlooked… one little loose end they have failed to clip off… if only one person has the courage and integrity to step up and grab hold of it and pull it and pull it until the whole damned thing comes undone… That loose thread is the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, an old law, enacted in a time when some men had the vision, clarity and common sense to see the dangers that might lie ahead and to install a little thread, a safety valve, by which someone, someone with the wisdom, the understanding and true vision of what this democracy was meant to be and who it was meant for, to take hold of and pull on. Unraveling this thread would effectively mute the big booming voice of big corporate business and break it down into many little. squeaky voices with very little power.

There is one man who has the power and ability to pull that thread, to pull and pull until there is nothing left of the giant’s armor, until it’s big voice loses it’s potency. That man is President Barack Obama. If he would simply make the decision to VIGOROUSLY enforce the Sherman Anti-Trust Act he could take a great deal of the power away from these corporate giant money-sucking machines and put it back in the hands of we the people, where it was always meant to be.

Right now fear rules the roost. People are afraid of everything. We must put fear aside and cast caution to the wind, putting our lives, our fortunes (such as we may have) and our sacred honor on the line. President Obama must stand forward in the courage of his convictions and take this bold and dramatic action, that action which may be our only chance to save this ship of state, and our way of life.

I urge, nay, I DEMAND that President Obama take this vital step to set us free. He speaks eloquently of turning the page on history, but I haven’t heard much page turning so far, only the shuffling of pages where they lie. NOTHING CAN OR WILL CHANGE until he takes this step to free us from our corporate masters. I fear that if he falters in this, if he fails to see the necessity of breaking down the power structure of corporate America, or if his hand is staid by the power of these giants, we will complete our conversion to an empty shell of what used to be a great democracy and the “great experiment,” as Jefferson called it, will have come to a sad end, as a failure, to be forgotten forever in the dusty pages of history.

The Sherman Anti-Trust Act is the law of the land and as the head of the executive branch of our government it is the President’s duty to enforce that law. We should accept nothing less from President Obama, the man we elected to save this nation from the grip of greed that has had us in it’s ghastly grasp for these past 30 years.

So far, President Obama has not heard our pleas. We have been the silenced majority. NO MORE! It is time to MAKE him hear us, again and again and again until he acts. Please join with me in shouting loudly, longly and passionately – ENFORCE THE SHERMAN ANTI-TRUST ACT, NOW MR. PRESIDENT. Call him, email him, write to him, go to his meetings and speeches, carry signs, question him, nudge him, and keep the pressure on more and more until he acts. your social media marketing partner
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