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writing for godot

ATTENTION ELECTED OFFICIALS: If You Are Not Part of The Solution, You ARE the Problem…

Written by Arturo Tha Cuban   
Sunday, 27 November 2011 01:00
When you look at all of the polls from the last few months, there is not a single Republican candidate that even stands a chance against Obama one on one. Whether that’s a good thing, remains to be seen. Could it be that Obama needs another term in office in order to accomplish what he is trying to do? Not too sure about that one either… The main thing we can give Obama credit for is that he actually has a plan to create and keep jobs, but Republicans refuse to give him a chance. Can you believe that Mitch McConnell said, that the portion of Obama’s job plan to keep firefighters and police on the job, is a “bail-out“? These do-nothing Republicans actually filibustered the American Jobs Act, without an alternative plan in place. Talk about out of touch…

You would think that without an alternative plan in place, they would at least pass the portion of the bill that is supposed to create jobs. Instead, they are siding with policies that will destroy even more jobs and further cripple our economy. Do these guys even want to get re-elected, don’t they understand their ass is about to be in a grinder? Republicans have lost their way, and it seems like it’s from too much of that Tea-Party “tea”, so to speak. Or is it, that with Obama in office they have an excuse to convince you, and make you a believer of their blatant disregard for the American People?

Most Republicans have all dogged the hell out of Obama for bringing the troops home. These dates for withdrawal were put in place by the Bush clan, Obama is just doing the last President’s bidding. The bottom-line is, the Iraqis want us to go home. Why is that so difficult to understand? Republican leadership says we will look back and see this as one of the biggest military defeats in our history. Really? We toppled a dictator and gave the Iraqi’s the democracy they wanted (at least that’s what Bush said we were there for). We’re done. Time to go home. In “ole dubya’s” words, “Mission Accomplished”… although I still fail to see what the mission in Iraq was. One would think that the war on terror could already be over, if we didn’t spread ourselves so thin militarily.

Our military is physically and mentally exhausted… we should bring all non essential troops home, let the country regroup, and focus on becoming the economic power house we once were. If no aggressive action is taken against our Great Nation, then none should be taken by our Great Nation. Look, I know it’s not as simple as it sounds, or maybe it is when you remove all of the rhetoric and propaganda. The point is, everyone needs to get on the same page, and join the same program. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE STARVING… IT’S TIME TO ACT!

If all corporations in America (especially the biggest ones), were to pay their share of taxes on their record profits, think of what could be done with that money. We’re not talking tax hikes, if we just removed tax breaks on the rich and corporations, and made them pay what we pay, then imagine what it would generate in revenue. Screw that, instead of imagining, let’s look at some real numbers.

I did the math adding all top 20 companies reported profits in the U.S. for 2010 (source: These are not the top 20 earners, these statistics are based on revenue generated, not profits.

$131,418,000 total profit for top 20 companies on 2010 including companies that took losses and not including GM, which their profits were not reported.

If they paid the standard corporate tax rate of 35%, it would generate approximately $45,996,510 in revenue.

If they paid the standard tax rate with all of the shelters, deductions, etc., they would pay roughly 17%, it would generate approximately $22,341,060 in revenue.

Then take away the bogus tax-returns they received (which I estimate to be about 30 billion dollars combined), and add that to the revenue as well.

It doesn’t solve the whole problem, but it would certainly make a dent (and it‘s just the beginning). So maybe it is that simple, if we look around I’m sure we’ll find much easier ways to generate revenue, and cut spending in a logical progressive way. In such a way that, we will create jobs, improve our infrastructure, and provide a sound fiscal budget, instead of taking our country backwards.

Republicans and Democrats both are all really to blame for this situation, the current “do-nothing” politicians in office must be replaced. I’m talking clean house and start fresh, bring some more parties to the table with new ideas, and let’s start moving our country forward again! We have to stop the buying and selling of our democracy.

Everyone needs to write their elected officials relentlessly, as often as possible. Let them know how YOU feel about the current situation in America. Eventually, the commonality in the voice of the people will become more and more obvious. Then they will be forced to act, or we will be seeing a lot of new faces and political parties in Washington very soon. TOGETHER WE CAN BRING ABOUT CHANGE… LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!!!

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Arturo Dominguez
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