GAME ON... Occupy RVa vs City of Richmond Va.Tonight

Written by Farid Alan Schintzius   
Sunday, 13 November 2011 23:58
Here is a great read on a monday morning. I promise it will be worth it. All the news summary, with a bit of my commentary.... this is the OCCUPY RVa Encyclopedia of "CAPTURE THE FLAG" ... a grand spectacle of political street theatre all in one place, so precariously stacked for monday evening at Richmond, Virginia City Hall.

Farid Alan Schintzius

Richmond Times Dispatch
October 27, 2011

Headline: Occupy Richmond shifts to City Hall

Council Person Marty Jewell’s request for expedited consideration fails.

“ With several dozen of the protesters in the audience, the Richmond City Council declined to ask the city administration and police department to “exercise forbearance and restraint” in dealing with the Occupy Richmond encampment at Kanawha Plaza.”

Richmond Times Dispatch
October 27, 2011

Headline: “Tea party group says city favors Occupy Richmond protesters”

“The Richmond Tea Party is lashing out at Richmond Mayor Dwight C. Jones for what it sees as the city's preferential treatment of the Occupy Richmond protesters encamped at Kanawha Plaza.”

In the days preceding this, Occupy Richmond was in its early days of Occupation at Kanawha Plaza, and we found that Google mentions of Occupy RVa by all news media and blogs had risen to 7000 per the previous 24 hours. When The Tea party showed up, very quickly did their media outrage machine turn on the switch. In the next 24 hours Google mentions rose to 1.3 MILLION. No contest. The Mayor’s hands were tied. No selective enforcement could be allowed. He felt that he had no other choice. In reality he had no other choice than that which he could see. There were other choices that he did not see, or did not choose. It was his best effort at the time.

Richmond Times Dispatch
October 27,201

Headline: Mayor to visit Occupy Richmond protesters today

“Signaling a limit to his lenience, Richmond Mayor Dwight C. Jones said he will visit the Occupy Richmond protesters today about their encampment at Kanawha Plaza.Jones said that as a "child of civil rights" and protests, he had allowed the group to remain in the park but understands his mayoral responsibility to uphold laws of the city."There comes a point where that discretion has got to be tempered and something will have to change," he said Wednesday at the Richmond Times-Dispatch's Public Square forum series”.

You will note that this story covers his performance at the “Times Dispatch Forum” held at the flagstaff offices of Media General, Inc.

Richmond Times Dispatch
November 06, 2011

Headline: “Occupy Richmond’s special treatment weakens democracy”

In the Richmond Times Dispatch Sunday Edition Editorial Page “Special Commentary” is printed, written by John Pride who is a Chesterfield County resident, Richmond Tea Party volunteer, and writes for the Tea Party on various topics. He lays out many fact free positions that were created out of his mind, and does not describe any reality which existed at the Occupy RVA Camp at Kanawha Plaza. Yet this merited space as a “Special Commentary”. It was simply put, typical Tea Party Special Fantasy. No mention of Occupy RVa trying to work within the law by him. No offer from The Times Dispatch for equal space for an Occupy: Special Commentary.

This Tea Party Fiction writer made up such fact free vignettes as:
We always left the property as clean as — or cleaner than — we found it. ... Such irresponsible actions and expectations never, to be blunt, crossed our minds ... Richmond City Councilman E. Martin Jewell even wanted a resolution that would make the Occupiers' illegal actions legal — and surely would have done so except for the inconvenient requirement that he actually act within the rules.... our reaction to these unequal requirements is aimed at the public safety ... of highly placed leaders encouraging a departure from the requirements of societal law and order, and of the demonizing of any entity acting within the parameters of the norm ... The actions of Occupiers everywhere, combined with hateful speech and unsubstantiated claims, reflect ever-escalating misinformation from agenda-driven leaders, forced to double-down on deceit, distraction and misplaced blame.... In some parts of the country, the consequences of these tactics include destroying property, attacking law enforcement officers and straining the budgets and patience of citizens across the nation.”
Compare John Pride’s fact free concoction, which was spread far and wide by The Times Dispatch, with the following “Virginia Right Blog” post of Tom White who did visit Occupy RVa Camp at Kanawha Plaza.

Virginia Right Blog
October 28,2011
Headline: “Blogger Visits Occupy Richmond and Is Shocked by What He Finds”

Much to his credit it seems that truth, fairness, and accurate reporting mean more than ideology. His commentary based upon an actual visit with the reality of Occupy RVA at Camp Kanawah led him to say.... :
Going perhaps a bit undercover I wandered down to Kanawha Plaza in downtown Richmond this afternoon to get a few pictures and gauge the people of whom I have been so critical first hand, up close and personal.... I expected exactly what I had heard and seen on the news. Trash, filth, drugs, human excrement and terrible odors. And obnoxious people demanding handouts. In fact, that is what I went down there to document. But a strange thing happened on the way to expose these greedy freeloaders for the vermin we believe them to be....

My biggest problem with this movement has been their disregard for the law. But it seems that they are at least making an effort to comply with the law and the City of Richmond is actually dragging their feet. I have no reason to believe this woman was not being truthful, which means that the City and local media has been less than candid about the Occupy Richmond group’s efforts to do things the right way.

Shame on Mayor Jones. While I criticized Jones earlier today in a post for not evicting the scofflaws who refuse to abide by the law and obtain the proper permits, it seems that the criticism of Jones was deserved, but not because he failed to remove this group who is unlawfully assembled, but because his administration has failed to either approve or disapprove the permit.

But I will say that I walked away with a totally different perspective and point of view from when I walked in. I still don’t see a clear message or set of demands. But I also do not see a group of people who want to bring down America, either.... But I will return again to investigate some more. I hope to attend an Assembly meeting and perhaps learn what exactly they are discussing....

An actual visit. Reality. Truth. Do any of these matter any more? In a world so hell bent on demonizing any perceived opponent with non stop ranting of lies, intentional distortions, and absolutely fact free BS picked up from Rabid Right Wing Pundits do we stand a chance of finding the civic solutions so desperately needed in these perilous times. Perhaps John Pride’s Tea Party driven words belong on his own head... ( it ) “ reflects ever-escalating misinformation from agenda-driven leaders, forced to double-down on deceit, distraction and misplaced blame.”

Perspective is something that everyone has, and it is always in the eye of the beholder. Inquiring minds want to know ... Truth? Reality? Fiction?

CBS 6 News
October 27, 2001

“Mayor Visits Occupy Richmond”,0,716416.story

This was a very Civil Visit, setting up high hopes with some, and wariness with others regarding the true nature and motivations behind Mayor Jones’s visit.

Richmond Times Dispatch
October 28, 2011

Headline: Mayor Dwight Jones visits Occupy RVa Camp at Kanawha Plaza.

"I've been lenient," he said to the group of dozens gathered around him. "I understand protests." "You can come talk with me," he said. "That will allow us an opportunity to hear your concerns in a different kind of a context and to see if there are any ways that even we may be of assistance."

He added: "That being said, as mayor of the city I'm going to have to ensure that the laws of the city are enforced. We will send representatives to talk to you at some future date about that."

A section of the city's code makes it "unlawful for any person to camp, tent, encamp or quarter upon any public grounds, parks, playfields, playgrounds or any public property owned or maintained by the city."

At the time of the Mayor’s visit to Kanawha Plaza the Occupy RVa Legal Team quietly presented a request “to permit” an occupation legally to the Mayor’s staff.. They were advised of existing city codes that would allow Occupy Richmond to legally stay at Kanawha Plaza.” Section 26-397 (d) ... The director of parks, recreation and community facilities may, by permit or other written authorization, allow the use of any site of the department of parks, recreation and community facilities at a time other than would ordinarily be allowed.”

This was reported in the Richmond Times Dispatch

“After Jones' departure, some from the group approached David Hicks, an adviser to the mayor and a former Richmond commonwealth's attorney, to seek a temporary-use permit from the parks and recreation director, as allowed under city code.

Hicks said he would discuss the request with the city attorney.

Kadrich said that if denied a permit to use the park, the occupiers would continue "following all legislation that we term to be 'wholly just.' " He added that if given an ultimatum to leave the plaza by a certain date, many protesters may exercise civil disobedience by staying put and facing arrest.

Carino added, "I do know that there are individuals here who say that, 'No matter what, I'm staying, and the only way I'm leaving is in the back of a police car.' "

This was one more attempt to operate within “The Law” by Occupy RVa in order to exercise “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” ... (US CONSTITUTION). This request elicited a “We’ll look into that” response on the steps of Kanawha Plaza. We never got a response to the city looking into this.

CBS 6 News
October 27, 2001,0,4075693.story,0,7897808.photogallery

“Early Halloween morning, around 1 a.m., police began a raid to evict Occupy Richmond from Kanawha Plaza. The group, in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street and nationwide protests, has been camped there since Oct. 15. The park is at 8th and Canal Streets.”

When they “got back to us” The City chose a different legal avenue. The Mayor legally ordered a Battalion of City Police to squash “the right of the people peaceably, to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” ... (US CONSTITUTION)

I am proud of the extent to which civil behavior has occurred between our Richmond City Police, and Occupy Richmond during the Kanawha Plaza raid. We did not have an Oakland, with flash grenades, tear gas projectiles, rubber bullets putting Iraq War Veterans into critical condition. We did not have a Brooklyn Bridge Beatdown. We have not once again descended into the realm of darkly UnCivil behavior. Thanks to all the Police for their civil conduct that night, and by the way many of them asked us to tell the Mayor that they need a raise.

This, oh so legal, police raid occurred in a very orderly and civil manner on both sides. Police were following “orders from up the command structure, from the top”, in their own words, to get us out of Kanawha Plaza. Those “up the command structure” showed a crude, brute force, bully mentality. Worst of all, the only acts of ”property destruction” that has occurred since Occupy protests began in Richmond Va. was the wasteful, obscene destruction of thousands of dollars of Occupy RVa’s property. Bulldozers loaded dump truck, after dump truck of trashed and ruined goods. Personal property, and an enormous volume of items donated by the public which included food, medical supplies, kitchen tarp structures, dozens of tents, many sleeping bags, blankets, a large store of warm coats and clothing for the homeless, an extensive library, and on top of all else the American Flags which was flew at Occupy RVa Camp Kanawha.

Richmond Times Dispatch
November 10, 2011

Headline: “Occupy Richmond protesters leave park”

Several hundred Occupy Richmond protesters marched to Monroe Park on Wednesday night, then headed down Broad Street to occupy Festival Park, next to the Coliseum in downtown Richmond.

November 11,2011

A personal letter is sent to Mayor and other city Officials.

from: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

To: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

date: Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 12:38 PM

Mr Mayor

This has been posted on facebook. There does not need to be a continuation of this waste of $$$'s. Solutions can be found if there is true desire for solutions. I believe that with some good work we can find a win - win in this that benefits all of us. Will you join us in seeking a Civil Solution ?


Farid Alan Schintzius
804 319 0571

You as Mayor must now realize that the days of the same old ways of doing business are done. Gone for good. What is at hand is a new American Revolution. A non-violent, peaceful revolution which won’t go home, won’t be quiet, and won’t play by any previous rules. Occupy as a movement will not stand by and allow “the body that is once set in motion to remain in that same motion”. The current “motion” of society has led us to the brink of global disaster. The Occupy Movement is the introduction of “outside forces”, collectively, in city after city, in country after country, to change the direction of society, to rescue all of us from the perilous brink. Each Occupy group makes up its own rules. I am proud of the front edge, stellar, inspired, creative, political stagecraft that has occurred with Occupy Richmond in the streets and parks of Richmond.

Chapter One: It Has Only Just Begun. How many chapters will it take?

The post “ All Night/AllDay.... Occupy RVa ” film showing rally breaks into three street marches. A big group heads off to Monroe Park. Two others head onto the downtown streets separated, changing directions, arriving later at Festival Park by The Colliseum, ORVa marchers met a huge lumbering Police response encircling Monroe Park, all vehicular access blocked off for many blocks around late into the night, Fire Trucks with their hoses raised up on Hydraulic Platforms, Spotter Police Airplane and Helicopter overhead reporting the advancing march, a Total Force Showdown by the City. What showed up was nitro powered political street theater leaving the police standing "at ease" in Monroe Park, like British Redcoats standing on an empty battlefield. Whoah, ORVa did not come to Battle. What ? ... Huh ? ... Why they didn’t follow the rules and ... and… and...
Amusement in the ORVa marchers that the City does not get it yet. Meanwhile, inspired, peaceful, nonviolent, with pissed off inyourfacedness, we will make the rules for this engagement, they rolled on into the night, nonviolently, passionate, disciplined, organized, strategically brilliant they move on and on.

Radio for some more Redcoat Troop Reinforcements, quick, they went to Festival Park. Very Polite Civil Police contact “ Y’all are allowed here until 3AM, at which point we will have to arrest...” broadcast on LIIVESTREAM to the world on the internet.. At 2AM the protestors moves out en mass, on the march. Redcoats swollen now to an army, swiftly redeploy to encircle and defend Kanawha Plaza from being reoccupied. It is Capture The Flag between the City and ORVA on a Grand Scale.... Game On.

The City is no match, out classed and outflanked by a feint. The nimble, street savvy, sea of protestors, having already received reports from bicycle scouts, skirt around The Redcoat Army that barricades access to the original Occupation site at Kanawha Plaza.. They can only scratch, what must be their now migraine filled heads, and follow after the protesters as they march finally on to a legal 24 hour location on the Canal Walk.

Most of ORVa protestors go home to rest and prepare for tomorrow’s next actions, some stay as a symbol, savoring their sweet Victory. They awaken next morning pissed off. What is the limit to the $$$’s that the City will spend in their Gulliver like lumbering and extremely expensive response to these ORVa Lilliputians peaceably, and legally gone wild in the streets of Richmond.

Amazement that the City does not get it yet.

When Occupy Richmond was in its early days of Occupation at Kanawha Plaza we found that Google mentions of ORVa by all news media and blogs had risen to 7000 per the previous 24 hours. The Tea party showed up, and very quickly did the media scream machine created with Koch Brothers $$$’s turn on the switch. In the next 24 hours Google mentions rose to 1.3 MILLION. No contest. Your hands were tied. No selective enforcement could be allowed. You had no other choice. In reality you had no other choice than that which you could see. There were other choices that you did not see, or did not choose. You bought it. You own that choice. It was Your Best Effort at the time.

ORVa saw the bind you were in, for they had created that very bind. ORVa was in defiance of Local Time and Place Ordinances that restrict Free Speech..At the time of original enactment of the Ordinances, I am sure, it was a best effort to provide a balanced solution between Constitutionally Guaranteed Free Speech and Local Concerns of Public Order and Safety. No doubt a Best Effort at the time, Time has marched on. Those days are past. Gone. History.

A new History is being written. New voices. No limits. New rules. There are ways out of this particular civic dilemma. However, if everyone in town agreed today on the Perfect Solution, it would likely take until mid December or early January to cross all the T’s and dot all the I’s to enact that agreement. Are your hands tied? If yes, then it the existing system, that “body in motion” that binds your hands. It is Not because of the Lack of Possibilities that might be found, rather the Lack of Visioning, of Community Wide Threshing Sessions, and Public Forums to find that Perfect Solution and make it happen. Perhaps now is a time for a new beginning? Maybe it is time for a Stop, Drop, and Lets find a Solution to this Free Speech Issue which requires such a waste of tax $$$’s

Our founding Fathers.... That statement... That beginning …of something so inspired, resulting in the liberation of the colonial people from the repressive Mighty British Empire... IT WAS FLAWED, despite its inspiration. They somehow managed brilliance, inspiration, and liberation from the King, but not from their own flaws and limitations. Women, slaves, and most certainly the original indigenous natives were excluded. Founding Fathers... flawed from the beginning. But, in their inspiration they set forth a self correcting system of Government.

Richmond has a truly unique opportunity to self correct on the earlier flawed Ordinances that place Time And Place Restrictions on Free Speech. Richmond, Virginia has a very deep obligation to get this one right. This city has a its Dark History in which we perfected, like no other City in America, how to do the dark deeds, make the diminished choices. From this city the Civil War was waged costing the lives of 625,000 Americans. This War was in defense of The Right, among many other State Rights, to sell in Virginia an estimated 350,000 humans into slave bondage. Defense of a system that saw captive humans being bred like cattle to an estimated high population in 1860 of 4 Million Slaves. This system would guarantee that the Children of Slaves, their Grandchildren, their Great, Great Grandchildren, on off into perpetuity, would be Enslaved.

Yes, Mr Mayor, Richmond needs Redemptive History now more than ever. Each day passes by, and City after City slides into the increasing number of Violent Crackdowns and subsequent Popular Outrage. The World needs Richmond, the Old Capitol of the Confederacy to show how Civil Change can be done.

I am proud of the extent to which Civil Behavior has occurred between our City Government, City Police, and Occupy Richmond during this period of protest. We did not have an Oakland, with flash grenades, tear gas projectiles, rubber bullets putting Iraq War Veterans into critical condition. We did not have a Brooklyn Bridge Beatdown. We have not once again descended into the realm of darkly UnCivil behavior . Thank You, and all the Police for their Civil Contribution. By the way many of them asked us to tell you they need a raise.

You need to know that I am deeply troubled, outraged in fact that, that to my knowledge, the only property damage that has occurred in Richmond so far, as a result of Occupy Protests was done by City bulldozers, and Dump Trucks as they trashed Occupy Richmond property worth many thousands of $$$’s, Including the American Flag flown at Camp Kanawha. How do you spell h y p o c r i c y ??? Spend an ungodly amount of tax dollars.. ka ching.. ka hing.. ka ching ...the tab keeps growing to prevent property destruction by whom? Well here we all are. Now, What Next ? The Master Archer only became a Master by reflection on the previous missed shots, and discernment which is incorporated when next the arrow is placed upon the bowstring.

I invite you, the Mayor, and one City Council person to come onto. "If I Had a Hammer" a previously long running broadcast of a live progressive TV talk show which is back on the airwaves. Live call in talk TV on FRIDAYS at 7:30 pm on Comcast 95 and Verizon 36 . The focus of this series is "OCCUPY: CIVIL CHANGE from a New Richmond" This an opportunity to share your vision in this critical moment in Richmond.

Farid Alan Schintzius

An illustrated version of this is placed on FACEBOOK with notice to Mayor Jones

from: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

date Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 4:03 PM


A post by Alex Anthony, from his blog "An Occupied Mind" is posted complete with edited video segments from Occupy RVa’s multi camera Live Stream broadcast of the entire evening of protest. A link to this is sent to the Mayor and City Officials.

Richmond Free Press
November 11, 2011




Welcome Occupy Richmond

Readers of this space may find it surprising that Mayor Dwight C. Jones and the editor/publisher of the Free Press are neighbors, with only a driveway separating our homes. We are neighborly — with a clear understanding: That, he, as a politician, has the responsibility to represent the best interests of the people and that the editor/publisher has the duty to see that he lives up to his responsibility.

We are confident that the mayor works to live up to his responsibility. We know we do. These different responsibilities naturally put politicians and newspaper editors on a collision course. When the mayor or any other politician, from our perspective, favors a handful of people over the masses, it is our duty to blow the whistle on them — and we, unhesitatingly, do that. Last week, the separate roles of the mayor and the editor were potentially tested at their homes. Friday and Saturday nights, a police cruiser was parked at the entrance of the common driveway leading to our houses. The assignment of the cruiser officers, according to one of the policemen, was to “help” the mayor. The help was in response, according to one officer, to statements of members of the nonviolent Occupy Richmond protesters who reportedly had promised to occupy the mayor’s lawn.

If the protesters had showed up, the mayor and the editor would undoubtedly have remained good neighbors, but respectfully disagreed on this important issue. Our mayor-neighbor, we are certain, would identify with the good, justifiable cause of the Occupy Richmond protesters but seemingly would have been inclined to give the order to arrest the protesters for protesting on his property.

We have no such inclination. Reason: Since the Free Press was founded nearly 20 years ago in this conservative, Fat-Cat controlled city, we have stood up and fought for economic justice and against corporate greed, against corruption and against that 1 percent of the super rich who control the businesses, government and practically all media outlets to the detriment of the people, the city, the state and the Nation. Therefore, we are obligated to welcome and support the Occupy Richmond movement … a movement that admiringly emulates the activism of the Civil Rights Movement, the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom and the 1968 march in Memphis, Tenn., where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. went to support equal wages and benefits for sanitation workers. It was there that he paid the ultimate price for justice. He was assassinated. We welcome the Occupy Richmond protesters to our Brookbury neighborhood and to our lawn. If they are confronted and rejected, they can depend on this editor/publisher, in support of the people’s interest, to warmly welcome them to his property. We also will provide refreshments and snacks. The people will never be free until they have economic power. There must be a redistribution of wealth. If not, we all will continue to move closer to nationwide enslavement. In the same activist spirit that we supported the Civil Right Movement, we continue to aggressively support the Occupy Richmond movement and all other sensible efforts to reform the current economic system that unnecessarily inflicts suffering and hopelessness on people in the midst of plenty.

Richmond Times Dispatch
November 11, 2011

Headline: "Editor offers Occupy Richmond protesters his front lawn"

A lame 2 inch piece dwarfed by the size of its headline. It's hard for the big boys to give it up to the little guy

Occupy Richmond Virginia

posts communication from General Assembly of Occupy Richmond.

To Mayor Dwight Jones,

This is a formal notification by the General Assembly of Occupy Richmond that we believe our Constitutional rights have been infringed upon and oppressed. We have attempted to function within available legal channels, including the city permitting process, appeals to City Council, and direct negotiations. These have failed us. We issue the following proposal, and firmly insist you reasonably consider and respond to said proposal by 5pm Monday, November 14th, the end of your next day of business:

We propose that you authorize the director of Richmond Department of Parks and Recreation, Dr. Norman Merrifield, to issue explicit documented permission, under his authority, pursuant to Section 26-397 (d) of Richmond city code to:

Explicitly permit Occupy Richmond to exercise our Constitutional Rights 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without incurring any violation of the following ordinances:

Section 26-397 (a)

Section 26-390

This permission is to be issued in accordance with the Constitution of the United States, specifically acknowledging peaceable assembly, speech, expression, and protest, re:
“Congress shall make NO law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or ABRIDGING the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

This applies to all public spaces.

If our proposal is not heeded and our grievances not redressed, we will pursue other available and legal avenues of action... perhaps even engaging in Occupation on private property within the City of Richmond. A supporter of the movement, Mr. Raymond H. Boone, has graciously offered his yard for this purpose.

Strength and Solidarity,

The General Assembly of Occupy Richmond

Richmond Times Dispatch
November 14, 2011
Headline: “Occupy Richmond sets deadline for city to permit 24-hour peaceable assembly”

Monday November 14, 2011
Mayor's Office
5 PM Deadline for Response

Monday November 14,2011
Richmond City Council Meeting
6 PM at City Hall
2nd Floor Council Chambers your social media marketing partner
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