Speaker Fails to Show Class

Written by Jeff Barrett   
Tuesday, 26 July 2011 08:22
President Obama spoke to the nation about our debt crisis, the national budget and his efforts to negotiate a compromise solution. The President extended full and respectful credit to House Speaker John Boehner for his good faith participation. The President’s comments reflected reasonableness and a sincere concern for the nation that he leads. Whether in agreement with the President or not, this was a 15 minute speech that conveyed respect to his opposition, moderation and the vital importance of coming together as a nation to avoid a real economic crisis and severe damage to the nation.

Speaker Boehner provided the response speech and the contrast. Speaker Boehner denied that he had negotiated in good faith with the President. He asserted that he had advocated the Republican Party in Congress position, claimed bipartisan support and criticized the President as a bad faith negotiator who changed his position just when he thought that they were approaching a solution.

Did I miss something following the course of these negotiations in the media? It has struck me that both parties had essentially stuck to their positions, Speaker Boehner insisting on no taxes in the budget management package and President Obama insisting that it can’t all be taken from the middle class and those most in need of valued entitlement programs. It was President Obama offering compromises and then the Senate “gang of six” offering a compromise accepted by the President. In this at least, all of the media, including the Fox outlets have been in agreement.

By speaking as he did, Speaker Boehner violated the trust of his President. In response to acknowledgment of his good faith and hard work in the negotiations, Speaker Boehner accused his President of being unreasonable and working in bad faith. Speaker Boehner bragged that he had passed legislation in the House and that he would pass compromise legislation. His purpose? Baldly stated as an intention to defeat the President. Speaker Boehner never spoke of the nation’s best interests, unity or desire to resolve disagreement in an economic fiscal management crisis.

Speaker Boehner made it clear that it is his purpose to adhere to a politically rigid position and to beat his opposition. I guess the well being of the United States and ability to govern this diverse nation is just not as important. Speaker John Boehner has embarrassed the United States before the world and threatens to place the good of this nation in a back seat behind his need to win. Speaker Boehner just is not a very classy guy.

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