The Future Will Take Care of Itself

Written by Carl Peterson   
Wednesday, 02 December 2020 05:19

Finally, at long last, a purified, solidified, hardened, crystalline little truth has been squeezed out of Mitch McConnell, and what have we here?  The poor old man must have been under a lot of stress to at last release his essential nugget to the public.

It was a long time coming, this secret truth, refined and purified for 78 years within the bowels of the person who would become Senate Majority Leader, but somehow without a responsibility in the world

The Future Will Take Care of Itself  

Let us repeat that brothers and sisters!  Hallelujah and Amen!

The Future Will Take Care of Itself!

The Future Will Take Care of Itself!

The Future Will Take Care of Itself!

The Republic is being murdered you say?

The Future Will Take Care of Itself!

The Invisible yet beneficent Hand of Greed you say!

Bah, passe, that’s for weaklings!

The real truth is far deeper than that: The Future Will Take Care of Itself!

Deeper by far than Cheney’s “Reagan taught us deficits don’t matter,” and “As I look back on it now, the invasion of Iraq was absolutely the right thing to do.”   The Future Will Take Care of Itself!

You are destroying the Senate you say?

The Future Will Take Care of Itself!

Soon a half million dead from the plague you say?

The Future Will Take Care of Itself!

The World is Burning you say?

The Future Will Take Care of Itself!

And as for me?

I will take care of myself your social media marketing partner
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