Ken Ard's Ethics Probe Findings Mean Nothing to S.C. Voters

Sunday, 03 July 2011 12:59
Republican Lt. Governor Ken Ard will win re-election if he chooses to run again. Why? Because people here in South Carolina don't care about a Republican doing wrong. They don't hold Republicans accountable for lying or cheating. Matter of fact, people put their Bibles away during election time.

"Because of inaccurate statements to ethics investigators, S.C. Lt. Gov. Ken Ard had to pay extra stiff fines for using campaign money on a family vacation, clothes and iPads, the state’s top ethics official said Friday.

On Thursday, Ard paid a $48,400 fine for 107 violations and agreed to reimburse the state Ethics Commission $12,500 for the cost of its investigation. He’ll also repay his campaign about $12,000.

The Florence Republican paid $100 for each of 69 violations, $500 for each of 23 violations and $2,000 – the maximum allowable fine – for 15 violations."

Oh, but the clever Republicans in this state always say Democratic officials swindle and lie and cheat. Guess what? WE HAVE NO DEMOCRATIC ELECTED OFFICIALS in this state. Who to blame. Really. Who to blame?

You see, Republicans in this state have been able to say, do and act however they wish. Democrats are not being given chances to lead by the public because of stupid social issue jargon confusing them. Really, does a gay couple interfere with you getting a job? How about getting insurance? Staying on Medicaid? Buying a home? But you all fall for the rhetoric.

"Ard’s campaign finance report showed $3,056 spent on “computer equip” at a Florence Best Buy store. When investigators asked about that, Bowers told investigators Ard’s spending was for “computers and other office equipment for use in his home for campaign and office-related expenses.” The lawyer said Ard “determined that it made sense to establish a home office so that he could conduct official business while away from Columbia.”

Investigators obtained a detailed bill from Best Buy that showed Ard’s campaign account was used to buy a $335 PlayStation, a $975 flat-screen television, two $600 iPads and other personal electronic gear."

So, it's just dandy to see this type of behavior - and Ard stay in office - but people in this state believe and follow every detail spewed out of Republicans. Yeah, okay.

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