
Written by Carl Peterson   
Monday, 09 March 2020 04:10

1)  Our president is good for us, he cares about us, he will turn back the clock for us, he will rout our enemies.

2)  The way to fight back against what is happening in this country is not to actually fight back against what is happening in this country, because that is what?  Too utopian, radical and destabilizing.  Repeat that after me.  Too utopian, radical and destabilizing.  Yes, don’t try to move to a better future for the American people because that would be unrealistic, and not grown-up, and, yeah, you’d better get real.  Everyone knows that except you maybe.  What is wrong with you?  

The way to deal with this thing that has happened to us–this...aberration–is to turn back the clock a bit, you know, just a bit to where we were before this thing happened.  You know–it’s just a thing that happened.  It’s no one’s fault really.

And we won’t need anyone with too much acuity or vitality or memory, or, heaven forbid–anger-- to lead us back, those things could be too destabilizing; it’s just four years after all.  When things were fine, remember?

Who better to lead us back four years to that safer place?  Who better than a nice old man with failing lucidity and difficulty sometimes orienting himself?  He has that difficulty sometimes because he is already back there in the past: four years ago and more!   One, two, three, four decades ago, he is there already!  Who better to lead us back backward in this time of crisis for the country and the planet than an old man who already lives in the 1970s?  Future historians will applaud our bold, mature and deep-seeing judgment in choosing this man, the right old man to lead America into the past when the future looks far too dangerous. your social media marketing partner
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