My Advice To Bernie

Written by Citizen Mike   
Thursday, 13 February 2020 11:26

I am thinking about  what advice I would give  Sanders right now and this is it:  His insistence on making Medicare for all compulsory is a stumbling block, Americans do not like to be compelled to do anything AND in Nevada  one union opposes him because they struggled to win a contract that does give them a good health benefit.  So I think he should  have a meeting with that  union's execs and come out saying that after consulting with them he has reconsidered  making Medicare For All compulsory. But if it is made available to everyone as a choice, he is certain that most  people  will choose it over struggling with predatory insurance companies because it will be the best choice. And if a union like this was able to put  a knife to the throat of the corporate predators and win their battle, they certainly should keep the  fruit of their victory.

And  he should then add that  businesses should support his plan because, if they are relieved of the requirement of providing health care benefits for their employees, it will improve their bottom line and enable them to increase profits,  raise salaries and lower prices.

Democrats  should  use and repeat the slogan "predatory insurance and pharmaceutical companies" to identify them as  enemies of the public, and to promote  their ideas  and build support.  The Republicans have so far excelled at simplistic sloganeering, but  we can beat them at their game if we think hard about how to market  ideas to the public. your social media marketing partner
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