The Sperminator and American Politics

Tuesday, 17 May 2011 07:58

So ex California Gov Arnold is now the Sperminator, having come clean, and fessed up to having a now 10 year old child with someone who is not his wife, the hired help even, and terminated his marriage with a bang.

Hmm, now that is what I would call "protecting the sanctity of marriage", eh? How interesting that he knew and hid this for over ten years, while professing "family" values.

What a hypocrite, and to a degree, who cares about his sex life, or anybody else's? You could say that perhaps it matters when someone is professing certain "family values" and living something different. but then that just seems to be the norm for Amerikan politics, which are a corporate controlled and corrupt travesty, where most everyone is out for their own uck, and then publicly professing otherwise.

Mr Smith, we need you in Washington, and in every town and city, and we need you now. We need you to kick the asses of the asses who are ru(in)ning any chance of a healthy future. We should all start with kicking our own.

The emperor's are bare ass naked, in full daylight, and We The People, are just going along with it?

Come on folks, Judgment day, profiteering day, rape, pillage and plunder day, this day, and that day. It is time for get real, and be real, no more B.S, everyday, and no more everyday B.S.

Time to say, do, mean, and be, and change this world for the better, while we are still here. Time to fund education, and quit playing war. Enough is already too much, and too big is a huge failure, which only enriches the few, at the expense of most living things.

We do not need policy which supports planned obsolescence and environmental wasteland. We are living on a finite and limited planet, and we need to take care of it. We need to take care of it now.

Mr Smith's, the world needs you. All the rest of us, it is time to quit consuming television and jello, and to get involved, and educated beyond listening to the talking heads which scream nonsense and obfuscation.

Toto, it looks like we are well into the twilight zone.....

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