Playing The Race Card

Written by Tanya Free   
Wednesday, 11 May 2011 05:27

“The more things change, the more they stay the same,” a statement that certainly bears truth. Since day one in office, the citizenship of the First African American President of the United States has been in question. A scrutiny all too familiar of a time when Frederick Douglass, along with many of our ancestors, were made or obligated to show “free papers” to prove freedom. More often than not slaves on assignment by their masters were confronted and had to have papers to document their whereabouts. So, why is it that in 21st century, President Barack Obama, the leader of the free world, is perceived by some as not only unworthy of his office but in certain circles not even worthy of being a citizen of the country that he was elected to lead? I am not playing the race card, just acknowledging that many of those behind the birther movement ARE playing the race card.

The President of these United States released his “papers” of citizenship in hopes of placing the matter behind him only to find that the questioning turned to more questions. Now, there are questions about his academic records and whether his credentials were worthy of the prestigious Harvard Law School. What’s next, baptismal records? In my humble opinion, the President should not have yielded to pressures from the birthers. Instead, he should have focused his attention and efforts on jobs and restoring our economy, ignoring the persistent belittling and blatant disrespect by those still stuck in what they perceive as the “good ole days” of this country’s racist history.

One would think the Obama led mission leading to the annihilation of Osama Bin Laden by Navy Seals would and should have been an uncontested defining moment for the Obama presidency, but that moment has again been revised by his detractors. Doing what they do best, the hate mongers have reached back to the past and credited George Bush for the intel that led to the capture of Bin Laden. Sarah Palin, reportedly after acknowledging the mission’s success stated, “And we thank our president. ... We thank President Bush for having made the right calls to set up this victory.” Really ???

Unfortunately, there are those with such deep rooted racial hatred that will never accept or respect President Obama, or for that matter, any American of African descent- no matter the accomplishments or credentials. With that said, the President should borrow a lyric or two from Cee Lo Green – either version would suffice!

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