American Fascism's Two-Pronged Attack

Written by Carl Peterson   
Thursday, 13 June 2019 12:15


Two-prongs:  Prong 1) Led predominantly by the Koch Network.  Deliberate, sneaky, decades-long piece-by-piece dismantlement, destruction and replacement of centuries-old American political and governing institutions.

Prong 2)  Spear-headed predominantly but not exclusively by Fox News, which serves as Prong 2's Ministry of Propaganda.  This prong, through 24/365 propaganda, protects and promotes the psychologically authoritarian president whose actions--spontaneous effluvia of the president's infantile psyche--have proven to be reliably polarizing of American political opinion, and destructive of American political and governing institutions.  No doubt the Koch Network has noted that this combination of Fox News propaganda and the unexpectedly useful psychological characteristics of the president, may, with the assistance of an abundance of latently fascist, and/or opportunistic professional Republican political operatives like William Barr, achieve--less methodically, but more quickly--the long held objectives of the plutocracy, which is replacement of the American democracy with what would probably call itself something like American democratic libertarianism but would be more recognizable to progressives (in its early stages--until and unless it becomes totalitarianism,) as repressive oligarchy, or fascism.

Also, as the Republican party has grown away from its own voters, it has through time come to devote itself almost exclusively to the interests of the plutocracy, throwing its own voters bones (while never forgetting that plutocratic interests must be served first and foremost) e.g., lip service to evangelical Christian beliefs; carefully curated, servile, plutocracy-worshipping Supreme Court justices who will predictably vote to reverse Roe v. Wade; silence on social justice issues; tacit promotion of white supremacy, etc., i.e., only bones that do not conflict with plutocratic objectives.  On the other hand professional Republicans zealously champion anti-American policies [anti-American in the sense that the huge majority of Americans are targeted and harmed,] e.g., tax cuts skewed to those who need them least (plutocrats) to the detriment of ordinary Americans (including many millions of Republican voters). health care deprivation that each year costs the lives of about 45,000 (non-wealthy) Americans (which number is probably at least 50% constituted by Republican voters); environmental deregulation that costs thousands of American lives each year (including the lives of many Republican voters) and will cost more lives each year as deregulation under plutocratic political dominance cuts deeper and deeper into the real living flesh of the American body politic; etc.

The Problem of the Transition

But there is now approaching for our would-be American fascists a problem of timing, a problem of the transition from democracy-on-life-support to the brave new world of unrestrained liberty for all [plutocrats].  The problem is: How do you get to the point where, without awakening the Republican base--mostly constituted by regular Americans who have been victimized by the plutocracy to about the same degree as regular Democratic Americans--you are able to securely install American fascism?  For decades the Koch plan for the American democracy has been the python's approach to killing its meal: slowly suffocate the victim while only slightly breaking its skin, until lifeless, it no longer struggles--then safely and securely swallow it.

But now there is a two-prong approach, one prong suddenly and unexpectedly occasioned by the advent of a manipulable, infantile, democracy and law-trashing president supported by a pre-existing 24/365 televised reactionary propaganda outlet.  This prong of attack holds the prospect of a much earlier installation of American fascism than was anticipated by the Koch machine prior to the election of the current president.  But it also carries the danger of being too rough in its methods, and too obvious even for its Ministry of Propaganda to cover its sins.  In other words, the quicker method, now being furthered by various professional Republicans--most prominently at the moment, William Barr-- might awaken a sufficient portion of the Republican base to the danger in its current political situation.  If that happened, by no means highly probable, but certainly possible enough that American fascist strategists are probably considering it as a danger to their own objectives, the infant president would not be re-elected in 2020.  A failure of Prong 2, because it might cause a light to shine on Koch machinations despite the corporate media's unwillingness to participate in that sort of illumination, might also mean a setback to the Koch Network's plan A of careful, methodical destruction and replacement of American democracy.

The Koch Network is already demonstrating that it will robustly support the president's reelection.  That means that it is currently placing its bets on both prongs of the American fascist attack.  However, if it were able to get control of the institutions of the American secret police, or, seemingly less likely, the America military, it might be able to securely install fascism via Prong 1 before a sufficient number of Americans wake up. your social media marketing partner
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