Can This Country Be Saved

Written by Nancy Akbari   
Thursday, 23 March 2017 16:56

Can This Country be Saved?

For me, Trump World is not a is an alternate is a fake world. Yet there seem to be so many people, most notably the media and the congress,  who seem to believe that Trump World is a reality and needs to be treated as such.  So why are they scrambling around trying to make real sense out of Trump's nonsense (remember: "I didn't want to interfere with the strength of the departments in doing what they do" in answer to why he did not check with the FBI or CIA before making his Obama wiretap tweet.)  It appears to me there are two things at play.   First, I believe that most of them are desperately trying to hold the United States together under its present Constitution.  Secondly however, there are those not so idealistic who do not give a damn about the future (or present) of our country.  They, Republicans like Paul Ryan know full well our system is dead but press ahead to try to exploit the current situation -- the corpse of this nation -- to exploit Trump's ignorance and laziness --  to have Ryandoesnotcare pass into law.  He obviously already succeeded in getting Trump off his platform of coverage for everyone at a more affordable price. They want the 1% to continue to rule and thus really want no change to the present Constitution.  As for the first group, they can't bring themselves to admit to themselves  that the United States as we know it does not exist anymore.    I understand them though I don't approve of them keeping their heads in the rabbit hole.  After all we have been brought up taking great pride in our Constitution being a living document and our system and democracy the ideal model for the rest of the world.  But come on, this Trump phenomenon is clear proof that our Constitution is broken, badly broken.  I would say it is dead.  Can it be rescued?  I submit that to rescue it  there needs to be a constitutional convention where amendments patching the many holes in the present constitution are drafted for presentation to "we, the people"  for their vote.   Better yet, a new constitution should be written which creates a present day sustainable democracy which most likely would be a parliamentary system.  Amendments, for example, if that is the approach taken, must take the money out of our elections.  That in turn will result in more  parties coming into existence.  It will enable people of lesser means to come forward to run for office.  We have known for a long time that the two party system no longer serves us.  The amendments need to outlaw lobbying, plain and simple.   Personal freedoms must of course remain and be expanded.  Many of the protections brought about by Supreme Court decisions, such as Miranda warnings, limits on searches and seizures, Roe v. Wade,  need to be written in the Constitution so they are not subject to possible change as the supreme court justices change from time to time.  Big brother surveillance must have clear boundaries.  Term limits must be enacted.  We now can live 100 years while the colonists were lucky to live 50.  Life long terms must be eliminated.  Terms for the President and congress persons should be sufficient to have time to see programs and laws enacted play out but not without limit such that being a lifelong congressperson would still be possible.  Also needed are constitutional protections against monopolization by corporations, and the elimination of any concept of corporations being equivalent to live living sentient people.  Caps on profit perhaps achieved by taxes on same should be enacted with constitutional protection to disband and prevent in the future the oligarchy now ruling this country.  It should not be as hard to amend the constitution as it is presently.  Rather a constitutional convention should be held after a number of years, say 10 or 20, where amendments can be written and voted upon to adjust our constitution to then modern day technology and norms.  Ambiguities which are currently used to stall all activity of congress and the president (such as the senate refusing to hold a hearing on Obama's choice of a new supreme court justice) must be changed and or removed.  And of course the electoral system must be eliminated and  instead election wins must be by a majority of the popular vote.  We now have the technology to do that.  We no longer need to entice 13 very separate colonies to try to govern together.  The 50 states are "all in" now ( though several understandably want out in view of the present reality.) We have just about the lowest turnout of citizens for voting, in the world. This is clearly a sign that  we, the people, have no faith in the system  and feel unable to effect a difference.  But better yet would be  a brand new constitution which makes ours a parliamentary system.  Parliamentary systems produce more than two parties and produce parties representing a greater range of people's beliefs and ideas for governance.  A parliamentary system also allows for recall of elected officials when enough of the people feel the need to do so.  Very importantly these systems require the building of majorities built through compromise.  Our system has crashed at a dead end called partisanship.  For reasons which likely include the old fashioned joys of money and power, along with a lifelong position in government, our so called representatives have become hard wired to vote along party lines without consideration of the merits of that being voted upon.   To accomplish what I am suggesting would also require the setting up of some system for continuing governing while the amendments or new constitution is being drafted and enacted.  Impeaching Trump would not be sufficient.  The whole current order of presidency when the "elected" president is unable to continue, must be trashed during the process of writing amendments or a new constitution.  Now, unlike King Trump, I do understand that my idea to have a constitutional convention to address the modern day needs of a sustainable democracy will be extremely complicated to even put together, no less agree and draft changes...(indeed even more complicated that devising health care plans.)  I know the whole idea of either approach I tender will involve a myriad of complexities.  So much so that many may think it is not doable at all.  But  from a historical perspective we must recognize and admit to  the death of a nation....our nation, the United States of America.  Commentators, senators and congressmen and women -- we  must stop trying to hold things together under the existing Constitution.  Hey, it's been done before.  It's being done in other countries which are emerging now as democracies.  There is a way to do it.  Let's get real and start the talk.  Let's get out of Trump Wonderland.   Let's  climb up the rabbit hole into the light, to live in the light, as did those who lived in caves and finally emerged into the sunlight -- to have a new democracy alive and well shining in the sunlight. your social media marketing partner
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