Homeland Insecurity Ali Ali Wiki FREE

Friday, 03 December 2010 14:53

With secrecy comes all manner of mischief. The secrecy of political and corporate mischief is killing us.

We apparently value endless war and a bankrupt education system above real security, or love..... Nobody mentions love anymore, and it is still what most of us long for, that and peace.

I heard Hillary Clinton remark a few days ago regarding Julian Assange and the WikiLeaks, she remarked of "being able to have honest private dialogue with other countries."

Sure, go ahead.

I seriously question this "private dialogue" you speak of. I wonder, where is the honest public dialogue? Where is the dialogue that actually creates security, addressing conflicts with open communications rather than with guns?? Where is the dialogue for all the people being killed in the wars? Where is the dialogue for all the teachers who can barely make a living?

How about Transparency and honest communications, held in the light of day for all to hear. There is nothing to hide except for dirty laundry, and that needs to be washed out. This world is too small for the “honest private communications” you speak of.

Where is the dialogue about why we have plenty of money for killing and little for educating our future citizens? Or money for infrastructure reconstruction, instead of destruction?

Do you really expect to achieve security (or peace), through "honest private communication???"

Where is the dialogue for all the people who are starving and have no shelter? Where is the dialogue for all of nature which is the support for our entire existence?

As far as I can tell, "honest private communication" is about reducing all life and all nature down to two words, profit and control.

It is not about integrity and I seriously doubt that it has much to do with honesty. Is "honest private dialogue" about saving face? Is it about protecting individual profit and empire, at the expense of most living things?

Aside from the very few things and details which really may be better off being somewhat private, secrecy breeds too many evil deeds and outcomes. Secrecy protects the guilty much more than it will ever harm the innocent.

With “honest private dialogue” you are of course including all of the excluded groups of people and environments which are “less than” and expendable, the “acceptable losses,” and those who we disagree with and minimize their viewpoints?

I applaud the honest and public communication in support of real liberty, real justice, democracy, and transparency, by people such as Julian Assange. People who are willing to stick their necks out and say, “this is wrong” and follow up with action beyond throwing $1.99 into the basket by the ringing bell as most of us just walk on by.

What would Jesus (or put your highest ideal here) do? Now that certainly is A question. We all know that he/she/they certainly would not act as we do toward others.

The emperors are bare ass naked. Do we need glasses, or do we need a reality cheek here folks?

Oh, by the way, merry Christmas. Goodwill toward All? . Here is to us getting off our entertained ignorant partisan apathetic out for ourselves entitled overweight television asses and doing good works in this world. For those of us/you who are already working for truth, justice, forgiveness, reconciliation and beauty, I bow in awe and thankfulness. For the rest of us, can we just get try and get along?

Shame on us. We can do so much better.

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