Dear Mr. President

Written by Tanya Free   
Tuesday, 16 November 2010 12:46
November 15, 2010

President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500

Greetings President Obama,

I was fired up in 2008 with great anticipation that you would be steadfast without wavering in bringing about the change that we, the American people, elected you into office to execute. Given the mound of problems inherited from the previous administration, I want to thank you for an outstanding job of rescuing our country from a full blown depression. Without any help from the Party of NO, you have accomplished a great deal Mr. President. I commend you for the passing of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, the passing of health care reform, financial reform and a host of other significant bills signed into law along with the appointments of two female justices to the Supreme Court. There is still much to be done starting with job creation, which I believe should take precedence along with the extension of Emergency Unemployment Compensation, considering the approximately 15 million unemployed Americans.

Mr. President, from day one in office, you have attempted to extend an olive branch to the Republican Party – but to no avail. The Republicans have stood firm in their mission of being the party of NO for the past two years. I subscribe to the notion of bipartisanship, but not when it is detrimental to your goals and the welfare of the American people. I believe it is time to move on for the sake of the American people and the country.

The next two years are going to be just as difficult, in light of the results of the mid-term elections. With all due respect Mr. President, you are going to have to put on your political boxing gloves and fight for the American people. I honestly believe that the American people will stand firm with you and support you if you have to throw a political punch or two in what is sure to be a high stakes championship match. We cannot afford to allow the Republicans to take this country backwards.

There are those in the GOP whose stated mission is to make you a one term president. Whether or not you elect to run again, please stand strong with the American people and make history again! Let it be said that you were not only the First African American President, but an African American President whose legacy was truly one of positive change and extraordinary leadership.

Godspeed Mr. President.

Fired Up!

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