OMG A Vagina! The Banality of Democrats

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Friday, 29 July 2016 09:09

by Joe Giambrone

Hannah Arendt coined the phrase "banality of evil" when she studied one Adolf Eichmann, a mid-level Nazi bureaucrat who made the trains run on time and carried out his logistics duties according to orders. Eichmann "had consoled himself with the thoughts that he no longer 'was master of his own deeds,' that he was unable 'to change anything'" (Eichmann in Jerusalem, p.136).

Arendt's wider critique of society relates directly to Democrats today. Eichmann "internalized the cliches" of the day and therefore abdicated his own personal responsibility to stand up and to oppose a murderous system. So many in the US—for a long, long time—have also "internalized the cliches" of the two-party system and remain joyfully ignorant of any and all third-party alternatives. That is the key fact to bridge the analogy between Eichmann's banality and that we have witnessed on stage at the DNC this past week.

According to comedian Sarah Silverman expecting to be represented and having the people's votes actually count for something is "being ridiculous." Maybe so, but ridicule travels in any number of directions, Sarah. Watch out.

What you don't do is as important, in the larger scheme, as what you do. Economists even have a formal definition of this phenomenon: opportunity cost. By spending energy, money, effort, work, etc. in supporting a corrupt Democrat, you are denying all those tangible benefits to a non-corrupt alternative candidate and party. By legitimizing one, you de-legitimize the other. You. Your actions, Sarah Silverman et al. I suppose it's a subtle point to some but more valid than anything Silverman or the Hollywood glitterati on stage at the DNC mustered up this past week.

With the coronation of Queen Hillary in Philadelphia in a deluge of scandals, the main narrative had to become that of the "first woman" nominated to run for President of the United States. History was made! Headlines said so.

That is where my personal involvement enters the story. I'm not having it. Hillary Clinton is, of course, not the first woman to run for President of the United States. When I point to these inconvenient facts, the celebratory slogans quickly morph into, "the first female candidate of a MAJOR PARTY!"

A corrupt party controlled by big money interests is what that translates to in the real world.

That's where I live.

I personally voted for Cynthia McKinney in 2008 (Green) and Jill Stein in 2012 (Green). My choice had zero to do with the presence or absence of a vagina, however. I find that concern beyond trivial, although I do accept the view that putting a woman in the White House holds some potential symbolic meaning. It is of several magnitudes less importance than what a corrupt warmonger will do to the world once she seizes the Superpower.

The Democrats exploit these symbolic bait-and-switch strategies, as with Barack Hussein Obama. Now we've had a black man in office. Worse than Nixon was the expert assessment. Obama's numerous crimes, indistinguishable from those of the previous administration—including protecting the previous administration from prosecution—don't seem to be understood by most run-of-the-mill Democrats. They simply, and always, remain blind to the crimes of their own party, believing their own spin as if it held the entire story. Anything negative must be a Republican plot of course, or perhaps the Russians; it must be anyone's fault but their own.

My go-to rebuttal to camp Hillary is to simply play back her own statements vouching for George W. Bush's fabricated "WMDs" in Iraq. HRC's special touch was to add the word "undisputed."

Average Democrats, guilty of wholesale hypocrisy as a fact of life, simply don't care that Hillary Clinton's hands are already soaked with the blood of Syrians, Libyans, Yemenis, Haitians and Hondurans. That she was directly involved with the rise of ISIS and associated radical Islamist proxy armies. That she approved arms to Gulf dicators after receiving millions in 電onations to her foundation. They don't care that she's an imperialist mentored by the likes of Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski. The Democratic National Convention even applauded the war criminal Madeleine Allbright, one of the most despicable politicians ever to come out of the United States, who brushed aside the murder of half a million Iraqi children as if she was combing lint off of her gown.

War crimes then become "mistakes," the kind only the elites can make and get away with. It's a tired story with an outrageous body count.

And so we get symbols instead of accountability. That is Hillary Clinton's only remaining card to play: the female card. She clearly stole the nomination from Sanders, clearly lies to get what she wants, and clearly commits crimes with impunity (that is unless Wikileaks nails her to the Cross as Julian Assange has hinted).

My unshakeable and bitter disgust lies then with common Democrats, those who believe today that the vagina trumps all (no pun intended), facts be damned.

If female empowerment is suddenly so important to you in 2016, then why wasn't it in 2012, nor in 2008? These people have already abdicated responsibility and bought into the grand deception. They have already mindlessly supported a criminal party that had never before offered them a female candidate, while ignoring the party that clearly did. That should be a mark of shame, not some marketing victory to garner more votes.

Willfully they cast a ballot not for the female who was uncorrupted by corporate money, but for Obama, who raised a cool $1Bn his last time out of the gate—more than Mitt Romney—and has continued the neocon dream of perpetual war and an expanding, brutal military empire.

Speaking of that expanding military empire, we had all best understand the recent warnings of President Putin, who issued dire pleas to western journalists regarding NATO expansion up to Russia's borders. This provocation risks nuclear war, as the Russians can no longer tolerate the encroachment and placement of nuclear-capable missiles mere minutes from Moscow. These are the policies Hillary Clinton has pursued. She represents the neocon wing that seeks to humiliate and contain Russia, all risks to life on earth be damned. Hillary and Obama have turned Russia from a helpful ally into a defensive, nuclear-armed and desperate enemy.

The Green Party of the United States could easily be a "major party" today if the millions who suddenly now care about a woman in office had simply supported it instead of a corporatist party of belligerence and empire. Democrats have rejected and even vilified honest alternative political candidates in favor of corrupt corporatists. Much blame lies with the common “little Eichmanns,” perhaps those living next door to you. Perhaps some to be seen below in the comments section.

This is no trivial matter. The Democratic Party just imploded on live TV, split into an ungovernable mess, when a sea of disgruntled Sanders supporters stormed out of the arena. Sanders has now left the party and will return to the Senate in the fall as an Independent. Hillary Clinton was not only exposed as a cheat and a fraud, but she upped the ante two-fold. First she picked Kaine, no friend to progressive voters, and then she hired the disgraced fixer of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman Schultz! With judgment and arrogance that unsound is it any wonder that Donald Trump surged ahead by as many as 6 points?

Hillary Clinton is a corrupt fearmonger opportunist. Donald Trump is a corrupt fearmonger opportunist.

Jill Stein represents common people. Of course she is disrespected in the media and especially by Democrats. It couldn't be any other way in today's America.
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