Review of 'Tears of a Clown: Glenn Beck and the Tea Bagging of America'

Written by Mickey Grant   
Tuesday, 05 October 2010 09:32
It's amazingly difficult to attempt to understand how such an ignorant and uneducated talk show host could wheel such influence. One of the best examples which Beck continues to promote is that Obama isn't an American citizen. You will never hear any of the Republican leadership or people like McCain ever making such as statement as that myth was disproved the moment it got legs. Beck doesn't care about fact as he's simply a showman which is what this book clearly conveys. He's the Ringling Brothers of politics. Dana Milbank does an excellent job of exploring the "Beckian No Fact Hate Filled World." The book points out how entirely white the audience is at the arena's where Beck preaches his hateful dialog filled with many illusions which only LDS Church members will recognize. Beck's challenge is to continue to up the outrage. It's hard to imagine that he could raise it any higher but that's always been his technique. The book observes the structure relevant between various speeches and how they are building blocks to the next speech. In each speech he has to up the outrage even more which is easy if you don't care about facts at all. In one speech Obama is called a Socialist. So, what do you do to top that in the next Beck presentation... call Obama a Satanic Socialist and the list goes on and on. Beck has stated simply that the book is a smear campaign but instead it's most direct quotes of Beck. It's fascinating to see how Beck increases the conspiracies he's constantly promoting such as Obama having set up concentration camps in Wyoming. The book doesn't have to smear Beck, Beck does that all by himself. I once studied the early Nazi writings in the mid-30's in Germany and it's amazing how many speakers used Beck's story/myth structure of inciting the people. Facts were totally overlooked as well by the early Nazi's. After reading much of the narratives of Beck's speeches to 99.99% white audiences, the book helps make it clear that racism is alive and well in America. Beck talks in a mocking Hispanic accent about immigration and then in the third minute, "he advises the visiting Mexican president to get his ass on his plane and go home." Imagine any elected public official performing like this? And that's exactly much of the theme of the book, Beck is a performer. It's not a matter of whether he actually believes in what he says, what's important is that he continues to raise the outrageous and absurd statements he makes another notch every time he speaks so he doesn't lose his audience or should I say flock of people who have absolutely no respect for the truth or facts. Ironically, if our country ever crumbles in civil war, it's people like Beck who did the destroying. Mr. Milbank may have written the most important book of this decade as rarely have we seen someone devoid of facts reach such heights. We've always had fringe political figures such as Ross Perot, but usually, especially in Ross's case, they were intelligent and stuck to the facts. The book really made it clear to me that Bin Laden isn't the most dangerous man for America, it's our own Glenn Beck, who in my opinion is worse than any terrorist in history. your social media marketing partner
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