The New Civil War

Written by Vito J. Delgorio Sr.   
Sunday, 29 August 2010 03:21
No matter what side of the fence you stand on you must admit that over the last 48 years each presidential election has become a Civil War. A civil war is a war between organized groups to take control of a nation or region, or to change government policies... I believe it should be expanded to include, change with or without military conflict.

Does the United Sates have a civil war every 4 to 8 years? Since 1960 I believe our country’s political census would suggest that we have been divided 50-50 in our political ideologies. Although the Republican party of Lincoln freed the slaves, the Republican party of today is attempting to once again to bring back slavery in their attempt to destroy unions and organization’s who support workers rights. Contrary to goals of the Republican Party, the Democratic Party is attempting to reestablish our constitutional rights as described in the Bill of Rights ensuring freedom of speech, and the pursuit of happiness which includes the access to an equal education, work opportunity, and affordable healthcare.

Our forefathers when writing the Constitution and Bill of Rights were inspired by the fact that their countries of origin did not provide those rights endeared to all people all of the time. The United States at times in it’s history has backslid making policies which resemble those injustices we originally tried to do away with and not have to experience ever again.

Some of the arguments you will hear from Republican supporters is that all people have the same opportunities, they want you to believe that there is no discrimination against those who they perceive to be different then they are. A pure example of this is the political rhetoric displayed during the 2008 election. Their actions put their political goals ahead of people, which still continue even after the election. Another example is the stimulus package developed by the Democratic Party and amended by Republicans. Although, the spending objectives were not met 100% they all voted against the stimulus except for three Republicans. The only reason they voted against the stimulus was for those constituent’s who are the extreme right base of the party. There are Republican’s who understand and know that the no vote was a political vote for 2010 elections and not substantiated by any real objection to the intent of the stimulus. For those who say nay, and who believe they can dissect the stimulus bill and point out its failures is unrealistic and delusional. This bills objective will not be accomplished until all of its components are executed 100%.

The Republican Party leadership continues to use fear tactics to keep hold of their followers. They try to portray Democrats as socialists even communists, they portray Democrats as big spenders, and baby killers. These stigma, are lies just to incite the Republican base and form a negative impression of good Americans who have just as much rights as they do. Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck remind us of the sensational overtones voiced during the mid thirties and early forties in Germany. If anyone believes that Limbaugh and Beck have any real unifying agenda they too are just as delusional as them. Their chest pounding and un-American rhetoric continues to appeal to those who choose to be less tolerant of other's differences and the use of charismatic oration and propaganda border on totalitarian and dictatorial agendas. Republicans must be very wary of their association with Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, they may become the poster children for their downfall in a true Democracy.

The Republicans promise fiscal responsibility, although the facts don't lie, from 1994 to 2000 the Republicans controlled the Senate & House under a Democratic President where the support of the Administration was a bi-partisan majority. They amassed a budget surplus under Bill Clinton a Democrat, only to be squandered in the next six years by a House and Senate controlled by the extremist right wing ideology of the Republican Party under the Presidency of George W. Bush. Republicans won the 2000 and 2004 elections by fear. America First, Family and Abortion were their platforms which elected them. In the meantime they were transferring wealth from the middle class to the rich, becoming opportunists over 9/11 by planning an invasion of the nation of Iraq to manipulate the price of oil and spend trillions on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with no bid contracts to the special interests associated with Washington. Their campaign for right to life focused on the unborn but not the living who sacrificed their lives in Iraq. There is plenty of blame to go around for this injustice on both sides, but the remaining fact is that the President and his congress lead our nation. George W. Bush and his congresses failed miserably in leadership and direction for our nation.

The new civil war is more than just differences of ideologies. It has become a separation of social stratus and the manipulation of individual emotional attitudes by a media controlled by competing forces in pursuit of the control of our political orientation, our nation, its wealth and remaining natural resources through the election process. Also, this control is influenced by foreign forces because of the mismanagement of our nation’s finances and international trading policies. The economics of the 80s, 90s and the first 8 years of this century were based on leverage and credit. The house of cards has fallen, a renewed economic approach for a solid foundation in our economy is required if we are to survive this internal war. The great minds of this nation once provided the inspiration, and ideas based in humanitarian objectives not dollars and cents alone. The bottom line and individual wealth of the leaders of this nation should be less important than the contribution to society any idea may bring. If Republicans and Democrats can truly promote unity in our nation and not separation we will succeed, if they don't we are doomed to failure like all great nation in the past. your social media marketing partner
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