An Experiment in Perception

Written by John Milland   
Tuesday, 23 March 2010 06:47
Perception and Reality

There are so many groups out there claiming to be the “True Patriots” and that they speak for “True Americans”. The messages are always lower taxes, smaller government, no gun control, close the borders. Critical thinking is both suspect and elitist. They have preached “elitism is bad”. Simplistic thinking is to be admired. “Common Sense” solutions are referred to, but never detailed..
Would a small change in appearance alter how we think about these groups that bombard us with their concepts of patriotism, individual rights, and the true role of government? Maybe we can find out. Notice that the participants are almost universally white. Yes, there is an occasional person of color and the groups makes a big thing of that to show that their acceptance is large. But, doesn’t the denial of bias usually starts out with “some of my best friends are…..”? Actions vs words.

For this experiment bring together in your mind all these groups we hear about daily. Do you have a clear picture? Now let’s change just one little thing about those groups. Not the speeches, not the message, not the energy. Let’s change their color, sort of a mental Photo Shop. Hit the enter key and we no longer see a mass of white faces but now they are all black. Let’s make Glenn Beck black, let’s make Rush Limbaugh black. Remember, this is an exercise in perception and in this exercise nothing else changes, not the voice, not the dialogue, and certainly not the message. . Photo Shop is an equal opportunity tanner.

Let’s keep this going. Let’s take a look at the AZ legislature. Now darken the complexions of the members that want everybody to be able to pack heat on a school campus or in a bar or whenever they want to because they want to “feel safe”. Remember, a few months ago, when all those guys in Phoenix that attended that political get together were proudly carrying their semi automatic assault weapons to make their point? What if they were all black or brown or wore turbans?

Most of these groups have dealt both the fear card and the race card, but from the bottom of the deck.

Where would the “grass roots” support be if the Militias were all black organizations? What if the “minutemen” running around the desert here were all brown or Muslim? And what if the America First and the various secessionist groups such as the one in Alaska or the one in Texas, what if they were an all Muslim group rather than an all white group?

For that matter, what if Sarah Palin was black rather than white? Could even Oprah hold their attention and fascination while saying the exact same thing?

Let’s not forget the Patriot groups and others who were telling you that to be “a true patriot” and to “protect your freedom” it was necessary to stock up on ammo and guns. What would have been the reaction if they wore turbans?

The reality is that Obama’s election has brought out the biases in many people. It was OK to be black or brown if you “knew your place” but that place was not as head of state. Since the election these hate groups have been on steroids.

How many of these supporters would still be there if these groups were not white? Would those supporters still have the same admiration if that group was Latino, Asian, Islamic, or Gay? More likely they would be mobilizing to defend themselves against these exact same groups, but then these groups would now be perceived as “gangs”, even though the speeches and the messages would be identical.

Perception is so interesting.

Reality check. Though these groups deny it, racial bias is alive, well and growing. Their biases place skin color and any persuasions that do not fit with what they consider to be “True American Values” into “suspect categories”.

What is the real message these groups are selling? Is it hate wrapped in a patriotic emblem? Apply the color test, then answer.

John Milland 03-14-10 your social media marketing partner
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