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writing for godot

Putting America First

Written by Doug Jackson   
Wednesday, 11 July 2012 00:26

There is no election buzz in the community. Not a whisper. The dirt trotted road of self-denial has led me to realize that there is not a champion among us. I have earnestly searched and I am exhausted. If you’re not careful political jargon will twist your mind up something terrible. But the worst thing that I’ve found is the lack of awareness for our political set-up. It’s not the public’s fault, actually half of it is, but the rest falls from within. The distribution of true media is conventional. I am not shooting at the journalist, I appreciate the journalist. We are dealing with the distribution of politics on a nationwide concern. How many of us have the time to stand on a soap box and spread information, let alone have the energy or even further care? How much of a difference will it make if Mitt Romney beats Barack Obama in the upcoming election? Why is Mitt Romney the best we have to offer? Is he, or is he just the most appropriate choice in the field that was thrown at us?

In regards to unemployment and Obama in general, Romney recently said; “This kick in the gut, has got to end.” I agree with him there, but for what, a blatant kick in the groin? To think that a great increase in security and freedom will arise when Obama is out of office is ludicrous, especially when his main opponent is plugged into the ultra-rich. The word on the streets is that Obama will focus on taxes during this next election. Now, whether it’s for getting rid of taxes or making more will be answered in the months to come. Even if Obama promises to lower taxes, can we believe him? His first four years in office have been a smoke screen of policy which has been forced down our throats by one side of the media as a utopia and from the other side as socialism backed by the evils of Barack. There are evils, but most of the atrocities won’t be noticeable for another few years.

With unemployment up 8% Obama will take fire. Employment, taxes and education should be the main topics. Of course if Obama wants to tug at the hearts of families nationwide, he can lure the bait of bringing children home from war. I’m sure we’ll hear that line in the first national debate. Romney says; “The president doesn’t have a plan.” I disagree, Obama does have a plan. It’s just not a very good one in regards of the working man (women included). For the immigrants, the poor, and those scraping to get by, trouble is lurking. Unless there is a radical solution for us by the November elections, the road of these next four years is going to be bumpy.

The most freakish of thoughts that comes to mind when pondering Romney in office is war. Is it possible to instigate a war with a power player like China? Very easily. Romney doesn’t like China: “It means cracking down on China when they cheat and making sure they don’t steal our jobs unfairly.” The Chinese are cheaters and thieves according to Romney. I suppose a new enemy could sway votes, but this would be a good strategy for a second term, not in this election. But for now, Romney doesn’t really stand a chance. The same people that hated Obama, and voted against him will vote against him again. And again, it won’t matter. There are too many people in Washington that need to have Obama stay in office. If the powers that be wanted Obama out of office they would throw either Jon Huntsman or Jeb Bush at him. Huntsman was given an ambassadorship from Obama so I doubt he will run against him. It’s too soon. Although Huntsman would be trouble for Obama, as would Jeb. We’ll probably see Huntsman and Jeb do battle in a thunderdome reproduction on pay-per-view come 2016.

The non-involvement from the community in regards to politics would be sad if anybody cared. (If you do care and do your homework, you are part of the minority) The political field does come off as a private club. They don’t mind, the less attention the better. Even though I said private club, anyone is welcome to join, but few rarely bother due to life and the distractions that weigh us down. Does the poor choices of candidates that will be running reflect our involvement, or lack thereof? Aren’t we the ones who are supposed to be electing these officials in office? With all of the social media around us one would figure that the spreading of information instead of ads and entertainment would be the focus. The pimping of the ego is also a main artery of the internet. It’s also a main artery of our functioning in society. Our image and self-preservation serve as our rulers. Why than do we not care of what policies are taking form? Shouldn’t we care to preserve our best interests? This piece has turned into a fountain of issues. There’s just too much to cover from education and taxes to unemployment. The healthcare issue of the last two years was a gigantic smokescreen. ¾’s of this year was spent on Obamacare by the media (lacking details of course). They have been hell-bent on distraction since the first advertisement. Distraction from what: War, a lackluster performance of job production, foreign policy, and a downgraded education system. The problems are bountiful. Solutions anybody? Romney is big on using 5-steps as a platform. Earlier in Colorado he claimed a 5-step solution to cleaning up Obama’s mess: “First I’d take care of our energy resources, our coal gas, our oil.” He stopped after that statement as most politicians do, never going further than the cheer. Upon my own further investigation the most I could get from the Romney perspective was more ideals, the use of nuclear energy and less oil, but no implements. If you don’t have a way to implement change, it will never happen and those statements become meaningless promises during election-time. Second: open trade with Latin America. Is that really a code for opening trade with Cuba? Third: cut taxes. Fourth: cut big government, and get rid of Obamacare. Again, the term Obamacare is forced down our throats with no substantiality. Fifth: restoring economic freedom. Yet somehow step five led to this statement; “The creator endowed us with our rights.” (referring to the constitution) He stepped right over Obama and man and pulled the god card. I didn’t see this one coming so early, but November is right around the corner and the battleground states of Iowa and Colorado are important for votes. Romney had a full head of steam yesterday in Colorado. He was convincing to his group of cheerleaders who were armed with pre-rehearsed questions and Colt .45 pistols. He continued with bold statements such as; “Dreams are being crushed when taxes go up and up and up.” But he seemed to get into some trouble the more he spoke. “I will make my job creating good jobs for the American people.” This was followed by random stutters upon transition of thoughts. Romney’s language has loop holes like this all over. It’s uncomfortable to listen to. Just yesterday at the pep rally in Colorado Romney said; “I can’t wait to debate.” Yes you can Mitt Romney, and you should. You are an orator, but not a very good one. Obama’s poise is terrifyingly calm. I never trusted his cadence; it’s eerie and pre-programmed. As far as coolness on delivery goes, Obama could make Billy Clinton look nervous. The important issue here is that Mitt believes in America. That’s his tagline for 2012. Believe in America. Believe in what? We, as Americans believed in change when Obama ran, and look where that got us. 2008 was a horrid year for an election. Ripe for an election, but horrid. We were coming off of 8 years of destruction from Team Bush. It was rough and any savior would have been refreshing, the key word in that election. That’s why the republicans scampered out McCain to run. The man looked old and decrepit from every angle. Obama wasn’t meant to be challenged, as he is not meant to be in the upcoming election. Mitt Romney is a run-of-the-mill politician. He has big business in mind, regardless of how much money from our paychecks he intends to save. Romney is a card-holding member of the ultra-rich boys club, as is Obama. We need change. We need to choose a candidate from another pool. Is there anyone out there? Whatever happened to the trend of a third party emerging? Did that die with Nader? Buchanan and Perot couldn’t come off any more counterfeit in regards to sincerity. What choice do we have, again, other than the lesser of two evils? I don’t know about you, but I am way tired of having to participate in that choice.
And as we close for the day, the ducks on Wallstreet clap for the bell.

Vaya con dios,

Doug Jackson your social media marketing partner
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