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writing for godot

Block Party Movement Platform

Written by Richard L. Hall   
Friday, 22 June 2012 12:59
We are A Tribe

We, real People- not corporations as people, that are fed up with this stand still/sick snail paced recovering economy w/no real improvement on the horizon, are attempting to bring people together as a voting bloc of registered voters. We demand, from our candidates and elected public servants, policies that will bring back/create a Strong American Protected Middleclass Economy and Nation. We want Nation Building at home. JOBS here in America.
We can do that by protecting our national economy and borders from overseas slave labor wages and the corrupt life killing regulation that goes with it. And by dismantling the Wealth Concentrating policies that have been woven into our economy and legal systems by politicians acting as public servants but representing the wealth accumulators. Public servants should be Pro-American citizen population first and pro-business second to that. Corporations are not people my friends. We all get that. Corporations don't, they have no pulse, those aren't people.

That's our starting point. Fix the big picture first, let the other issues fall where they may. And then, in a Strong Protected Middleclass Economy and Nation, we can go about our lives, supporting or protesting our favorite cause or villain, have babies, start businesses, go to church, buy a lawnmower, have a drink, shoot a gun... whatever you'd want to do in a Strong American Protected Middleclass Economy and Nation.

Me personally, I'm tired of this monopoly game we live in. There's only one winner in Monopoly. I want something more like a pie baking contest. When you bake the best pie you get the biggest prize. Then there's a second place, third, honorable mentions, and the losers still have pie, and the bankster doesn't take their houses because he can't corner the market on pies with his big box store selling cheap low wage foreign made pies that may or may not make you sick depending on regulations meant to make every penny of profit unethically possible.
So here's the voting bloc movement as it is now. If you feel like it's something you could support please let us know that you want to be involved. There's no oath or membership. Party affiliation isn't important, you just have to be a real person. Corporations can't vote, no matter how big the bank is that houses their "free speech". Everyone is welcome, invited to help and add your name to the growing list of Block Partiers that want a Strong American Protected Middleclass Economy and Nation.

Block Party Movement- The Cause For of A Strong American Protected Middleclass Economy and Nation

Economy: Repeal or reform job killing Free Trade Agreements and other US Sovereignty interfering treaties. Our economy and nation are under the control of an extreme "Corporations are people too" Wealth Concentrating, Pro-business movement that has trampled our middleclass economy into the ground and we have to get out from under it. It needs to be replaced by a Strong Protected Middleclass Economy and Nation Movement. We have to push back now, before it's too late.Pro-Strong Protected Middleclass Economy first and pro-business secondary to that. Regulated Fair Trade Capitalism over Lawless or Rigged Regulated Wealth Concentrating Free Market Capitalism. Absolute Free Market Capitalism is survival of the fittest. So the ones with the biggest guns win out over everybody else. The ones with the biggest wallets buy the government that makes laws/policy/regulation that make their wallets bigger. That's economic survival of the fittest, wealth concentration that sucks cash flow from economic systems. Wealth concentration is the natural norm of an economy that has to be regulated. Without any rules or regulations wealth will concentrate until it is in few places and real economic activity fails and collapses. We're heading towards collapse.

Get rid of the Bush Tax Cuts for the wealthy? As a compromise to an overhaul during economic distress or any other plan that takes away from the concern of jobs we have to let the Bush Tax Cuts sunset for the wealthy. Tax cuts don't create jobs. If they did we'd have jobs now. We all see that now. The cuts could be revisited when a Strong American Protected Middleclass Economy is in place and surpluses like those under Clinton become the norm. We can't trust our modern day Pro-business government to do any more than a repeal/sun setting of the Bush Tax Cuts for the highest incomes until we have more real true hearted public servants in office. You don't go to the grocery store when you're hungry and you don't do tax overhaul deals when so many workers are desperate for jobs and you have no power or honest representation. Seriously, one party is running down the sidewalk about to snatch your purse with a 0% income tax on Capital Gains for the job creators and the other party doesn't seem willing to stick a leg out to trip them. The difference that drop to 0% makes in taxes collected from the wealthy incomes will be made up mostly off the backs of about 99% of us one way or another. That's the math. If capital gains is only a small part of your income that 0% tax rate will likely cost you more in other taxes and ways. Like potholes in the roads that will suffer from needed repair. Or the stink from the garbage piles your city can't afford to deal with. Or your hospital being closed when your daughter is in labor with your first child or grandchild, your legacy.
It's not a good time to open up an opportunity to make things worse on taxes and that's what'll happen if we push for more than one simple thing. Repeal the Bush Tax Cuts on upper incomes, that's what we need right now. These low taxes and no taxes on the wealthiest and corporations in a time of war will soon collapse our economy if the Bush Tax Cuts for the wealthy aren't dropped asap. Spend on Infrastructure and to Promote and Protect an American Manufacturing Sector for our economy. It's a matter of National Security.

Trade policy: If you can't make it here. YOU'LL HAVE PAY TO SELL IT HERE!!!

We need a middleclass trade policy, not any more free trade agreements with low wage/no regulation third world countries. We can't compete because WE DON'T WANT TO RACE TO THE BOTTOM!

Protect our borders: Can't buy cheap imported products if you don't have a job. Pay a little more for American Made and you become a job creator. Every time you don't buy American it takes a chunk of money out of the American system and puts it somewhere that's not in the American system. Tariffs on imports are about the only way to protect our economy from cheap labor and poor regulation. A nation has to be producing the necessities and a majority of it's goods to be secure and have a strong middleclass. Protection of the production of necessities is a must. It's a matter of National Security. Our government should be protecting our domestic US market place from having to compete with slave wage labor from overseas or down south or from anywhere. We shouldn't have to deregulate our selves down to living in a cesspool to compete either.

Immigration: If you were born here or if your earliest memories are of living in America you're an American. If your illegal non-resident parents brought you here as a child and you graduated and have no criminal record you should be an American if you want to be. To say otherwise is un-American to the core. Kids can't help who their parents are! If you are here illegally right now and your child is an American child, congratulations you should be an American. If you're here illegally and you don't have an American spouse and/or American child you need to leave and try to come back legally. It's too late to fairly reverse what we have allowed by making people born here or who have made a life here since childhood, or the legal parents of those children, leave this country over immigration status alone. We made our beds... allowed it to happen. We have to accept responcibility for our mess and fix it. We are the government. Now we need to stop acting like we are trying to keep cheap labor out and actually protect our borders from illegal entry so it doesn't keep happening. Just get'er done already. It's a matter of National Security.

Healthcare: We want healthcare, however it can be fairly provided to all inside our protected borders. We are a tribe. We should be able to take it for granted that we have or can afford healthcare. No matter how sick we get we will be taken care of without fear of losing healthcare because of money. We all get the best healthcare like whatever the best is now for those who get the best now. Including Dental! It should be paid for through taxes not an illegal mandate. The health of all of us is as important as the health of each of us and should be protected like our borders should be protected. We are our nation. Medicine is a market of desperation. No one should be priced out of healthcare by profit driven business interests or billionaire CEO packages stuffed with tax free stock. We need to graduate more medical professionals by opening more class rooms. It's a matter of National Security.

Social Security/Medicare: It's a low cost efficient insurance program. It needs to be protected from the privateers and banksters. It will work the way it's suppose to if the economy isn't being crushed by thieves. After the economy is healthy we can see better if the income cap for the tax needs to be raised or not.

Education: A Strong Middle Class Economy and Nation needs a strong Public Education System. The Privatizing Wealth Concentrators have nearly destroyed the quality of education in our public school systems. No school vouchers, pay for private school yourself. Taxpayer money is for Public Education. Make that understood and the profiteers will have to stop tearing down our public school systems.

We are a sovereign nation: We are our nation. We're pretty tough as a nation. We don't need a global governing body interfering in any of our in-nation business. We don't need to accommodate in that way. We cooperate with the world as a self governing nation. Our legal and regulatory systems should not be directed or made common to other countries unless it is absolutely in our middleclass economy's and our otherwise National Security's best interests combined. We're not going to bend for purely business/economic relations with low wage, no regulation countries. It's not good for a strong middleclass economy and nation. It's no good for us.

Guns: 2nd Amendment Rights are important for a Strong Protected Middleclass Economy and Nation.

Energy: We need an energy policy that doesn't concentrate wealth into a few piles of horded cash. The problem that unregulated free marketers/wealth concentrators have with alternative sources of energy is that we would have many suppliers, and many jobs, and a variety of sources of usable energy. Big Energy loses part of it's market share and it gets difficult to concentrate most of the wealth stream from the energy market. Good for jobs and stronger middleclass. Not so good for the richest people in the world.
Oil and coal mining jobs are great, but so are shop and factory jobs buildings wind turbine generators, solar cells, stream generators and pipe for geothermal and natural gases, farmers growing biomass for liquid and solid fuels, a variety of hydro energies and the management and distribution systems that go along with that. It won't concentrate wealth so we don't have much of an alternative energy market compare to other developed nations. It's time to step up a transistion to many sources of fuels, including oil and coal.

No domestic nuclear power for electricity. Nuclear power concentrates wealth, that's why it's always on the table. We barely keep it safe as routine and we can't handle accidents without great long term devastation and we're spreading the killing waste all over the world by storage, accidents and battlefield weaponry. It's a dead end.

It's time to reel in the Police State: We don't want it. No domestic drones. Stop routine domestic spying and data mining. No Unitary Executive. No kill lists. No routine stop and frisk, no routine Stop Frisk Halt Search. Stop tax payer money going to private prisons to house pot heads. Respect 1st amendment protections.
The Private prison industry lobbies to make laws and sentencing that increasingly puts minor law offenders into prison. They have made it where we hold illegal immigrants for a long time before booting them out of the country. We pay for all that incarceration with tax money making private prison owners rich. Prison systems should be a function of government not a taxpayer funded cash cow for fat cats.

Media: Reform is needed to break lose the hold that Big Business and Power Interests have on our information streams/system/media. Respect 1st amendment protections and the fourth estate.

Internet: Internet access should be inexpensive and an open resource free of governmental and commercial barriers that are used to monopolize/filter/restrict the flow of information or business.

War: End the wars, bring our people home. We want to walk softly and carry a big stick. We have to stop being the bull in the china shop. We have to stop beating up the world for business interests, which is what it appears to be when all the rhetoric is stripped away. We have to stop giving other nations reasons to hate us. Sure maybe somebody hated us for our freedoms, but that's not why they hate us now.
How safe are we from a Russian/China/Iranian war right now? We need to protect our Homeland more than we need Homeland Security. Stop nation building wars and rebuild a Strong Middleclass Nation here where we live.

Welfare: Start with all the above and we can help those who can't help themselves. We can't throw the baby out with the bath water. We're not going to catch all the cheaters but true looters beware. Temporary and/or public assistance isn't the high life.

Voting/Elections: Legalized bribery of our public servants has to stop. Citizen United must be reversed and only human beings are people. We compel others to register to vote, and vote as they chose after studying the candidates/issues. We promote/petition for nomination for office, middleclass supporting candidates at all levels of public office. We vote for the best of the strong middleclass supporting candidates. We vote for the lesser of evils to a strong middleclass nation if that's all there is to chose from by election day. We vote! We want a voting and vote counting system that is standardized and insures against fruad, a paper trail/reciept system included.

How do we know who to vote for? We ask questions and insist on specifics in the answers. A Bullsh@t answer will be called out in public and we'll ask until we know the answer, given or not. And we create and support our own media (like RSN and the like) to spread the news when other media doesn't do it.

Other issues: We are focused on getting a strong middleclass economy. An economy where you can afford to affectively promote or protest against your favorite cause or villain.


Size of Government: We don't need a smaller government. Not drown-able in a bath tub sized. We need a strong middleclass efficient sized government. Not a government that promotes and protects wealth concentration or a government that protects the promoting of poverty (wealth concentrating). We need a government that is as big as we need it to be to promote and protect a STRONG AMERICAN MIDDLECLASS ECONOMY AND NATION.

Corporations aren't people my friends: Seriously corporations aren't people and our legal system must respect that natural fact.

If we collapse as an economy and/or a nation, there would be no causes except the one we need to support now. A Strong American Protected Middle Class Economy and Nation. Period.

If you feel like you want to support a platform like A Strong American Protected Middleclass Economy and Nation and would vote for candidates that also support a platform much like the Block Party Movement's then please sign up in support and to connect. Send us your name and a way to keep in touch with you, email, phone or address. If you can help with space for events, even backyard space or setting up at a park space, and/or assisting candidates that we may support, or can help with funding support for registration activities, pay for help we can't get volunteers for or, materials, hotdogs, chips, pop, sound and stage, information dissemination/management,social media, supervision, security, paper/plastic goods, IT help (interactive web pages...), advertising, legal, transportation for registration and/or election day... If it's not listed but you think it could help please offer it. We're not beggars, we just want a lot of jobs in America. Quicker you connect the quicker this happens. Hope to see you at a Block Party cookout or other event soon. For questions or to offer support please email us at: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Or from the link at And we'll reply asap.

Rich Hall
The Community Shopper
Oneida, TN your social media marketing partner
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