Welcome Ron Paul (the new Ralph Nader) to the Liberty Bell

Written by Richard Kane   
Saturday, 21 April 2012 17:36
I hope non-Republican Philly politicians meet with him as well.

Before non-Pennsylvanians get too bored to read this a brokered Republican convention may be the last hope for America if the Euro collapses.

First about me. I am a vegetarian in Center City was registered Green, but had a lot of indecision whether for the primary to switch to Democrat to vote for Babette Josephs or Republican to vote for Ron Paul. I hope on election day I didn't make a mistake on where I was needed. I did ask a couple of friends to contribute financially to Babette's campaign.
Romney kicked Occupy Philly members out of a fund raiser despite paying admission. With Ron Paul if an Occupy Philly member wanted to ask about gun control and Trayvon Martin, a discussion would follow,

If someone would pay my admission to his fundraiser this morning or this evening, despite admiring him more than Ralph Nader, I would ask about bee hive collapse, and business rights. Sick bees fly away from the hive preventing epidemics in their crowded hives, and even wild bees find corn syrup in discarded soda cans. Corn around the world has become infected with genetically produced insecticide. My question to Paul, “Should the Feds prevent local farmers and labs from making a new breed of genetically altered bees to return to the hive despite being sick, and let bee doctors monitor the hive instead of the bees. Send troops if need be to a country like Chile to prevent such experiments or lobby the UN to do it?

Anyway with Ron Paul, politics can get back to discussing the issues instead of arguing who is or is not evil.

Over 200 years ago a cracked bell represented a bunch of crackpot ideas on Liberty. Ron Paul by coming to the Liberty Bell continued his constant effort to prevent any more new cracks in that bell.
Rather than Ralph Nader I like to compare Ron Paul to Johnny Appleseed, Every time Ron Paul talks he spreads contemplating new ideas to the political process. A rule in politics is never say too much. This is one more thing Ron Paul refuses to be part of.

When Twitter invented the rule of preventing people from saying too much some worried that this was teaching people how not to think. But political ads are designed not to say too much. Third parties just as bad. Signature gatherers are taught both not to argue and not to say too much.

Of course there is the other side. Progressive groups claim that Paul's domestic ideas against Federal Aid is the enemy of the poor and lower middle class and all victims when it comes to disasters like Katina.

Ron Paul suggested and lobbied for replacing unemployment compensation with lone accounts which would among other things leading to new bankruptcies. However if employers could need another worker one day without worrying about problem with let them go, a few days later, it would stimulate jobs more than anything Romney or Obama suggested.

Obama during the lame-duck session gave six month unemployment extension included tax cuts for the rich for a year and a half.. Bush's tax cuts a bigger boomerang. When progressive wanted credit reform big corporations suggested to these leaders that old records be expunged meaning that someone without credit record is suspected of having a bad one. Teaching teenagers to borrow a little when they don't need to getting new people hooked to credit system.

To change the subject, local rights is an issue all over the world the City of Chester doesn't want the state to run things despite bankrupted funding conditions. Many are lobbying Philadelphia to join the jurisdictions not cooperating with the Department of Immigration. No Child left Behind obligates schools and Colleges to have ROTC to get Federal Funds. Ron Paul's complaints against the Feds is a mixed story not right-wing propaganda. If the Minite Men want to start a reservation similar to a Native America tribal reserve so what if they leave the rest of us alone.

Welcome Ron Paul (the new Ralph Nader) to the Liberty Bell this Sunday Afternoon April 22. City officials rent tents due to at least on and off rain.
Those Republicans who want an open convention voting for Paul is your last chance. NRA members remember that it was Ronald Reagan who was the most successful at controlling guns, and the only possible scenario to effectively end the Second Amendment this decade would to under a Romney Presidency.

Unlike Ron Paul this essay is not totally honest until I admit that Ron Paul's campaigning is a real threat to gun-control efforts.

Richard Kane
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