Mitt Romney Takes a Stand

Monday, 16 April 2012 17:31
Mitt Romney Takes a Stand
by Doug Long

A slippery man, I will submit
Is Willard Romney, known as "Mitt".
For what he says is guaranteed
To mean quite something else indeed.

To know his views is such a quiz.
He said his view was "wasn't / is".
But now I am confused because
He's flipped-flopped it to "isn't / was".

He told us that he "likes to fire"
But claims he meant he "likes to hire".
He once stood up for womens rights
But now that is the thing he fights.

He used to care if you were healthy.
Now he cares if you are wealthy.
His shifting views are so omni-
directional, that Mr. Romney!

But sometimes he’s a trooper - back
when he's with his rich Super Pac.
For that's where Romney takes a stand -
If you're a very wealthy man. your social media marketing partner
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