Find Your Feature and You Will Create Great Content

Written by ashleykornee   
Tuesday, 09 May 2017 15:38

person is typing
Blogging can often be troublesome businesses if you start losing steam and look at it as something you have to do instead of an enjoyment that it was just yesterday. Many people stop blogging altogether because they just don’t feel the vibe they once did and there is no point in forcing it any further.

Luckily, there is a way to counter this and it’s all about finding your blogging passion again. Once you discover (or rediscover) a special niche that makes it easy and enjoyable to create content again, you will go right back to being a successful blogger – let’s take a look at how we can do exactly that.

Brainstorm ideas

The first thing you should do when you feel deprived of creativity and will to write content regularly is brainstorm. By brainstorming about a certain subject or your own blog, in particular, you will exercise your creativity to think in a different way. Finding that special something to write about is all about branching your initial ideas and researching what if your competition has done anything similar before. If they have, learn from them and add your own flavors to the mix. Never forget that your creativity is the strongest weapon you have in the blogging world so make sure that you fully use it to your advantage.

Strive to be original

Even though you will be taking cues from your competition, you should never copy what they are doing. Being yourself in the blogging world is the most important thing you can do for yourself. Once you start creating content you personally don’t enjoy and do it for the sake of followers or revenue, your hopes of becoming happy and creative again will be lost. Being original is more than just doing something no one else has done before. If it was, we would be flooded with half-baked blogs and ideas that lead nowhere and stay fruitless.

Originality comes from deriving from previously done work and adapting it to fit your own style and content that you want to put out there. Before committing to an idea seriously, consider how it will affect your target audience (if you have one). Different people react to different content in different ways – it’s the only constant thing you can hold on to when creating original content for your blog.

Write and rewrite

The secret of finding your feature and becoming a successful blogger is not in researching tons of websites or learning new skills to apply to your content – it’s in writing as much as possible. Take time to write something new and creative every day, regardless of it’s relation to your blogging topics.

Exercising your writing habits is the best way to discover new ideas and venues to explore. This way you will always have something new to talk about and write original content without much trouble. The same rule applies for rewriting content you have previously created since it’s rarely as perfect as it initially seems. If you have trouble with your rewrites, you can always visit a professional writing site such as in order to get help with perfecting your content. Never settle with mediocre writing and work on becoming better at what you do.

Use visual content

Visual content has become the essential part of blogging. Even though you may not be a graphic designer and don’t know much about creating graphics or animations, you can always use stock content that caters to your blog. Employing a friend who is an expert for graphics is also a good idea since graphics have become the hook that keeps people on your blog for longer. By writing about a very specific niche you have discovered for yourself, you will be able to create much more specific and unusual graphical content that separates you from everyone else. Even using your camera to take interesting and different photos can be enough for people to adore you as a blogger. All it takes is some creativity in connecting visual content with what you have previously written.


Finding your feature in the blogging world is a long road that many people opt not to take when they realize how much work they need to put in. If you feel like you are meant to be a blogger then these facts shouldn’t scare you and you should go for it regardless of what anyone says.

Success in the blogging world is as subjective as anything in life, and it’s one of the reasons that there will always be people who discourage you from doing what you love doing. Focus on the ones that stand by you and don’t stray away from what makes you whole – that’s the key to finding your feature content in blogging. your social media marketing partner
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