Racism, Sexism and Fascism- Manufactured by Terrorists and the Media

Thursday, 24 November 2016 03:46

If you haven't yet noticed that practically every newspaper in America and Britain are harping on about how racist it is to have voted for Trump or for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, then this should inform you enough about just how the media groups became the 'bash ole' whitey' news services... and it seems as though it is going to get even worse and more ugly.

Looking back just 3 or 4 years, the newspapers would hardly touch the race issue, probably because the World had not launched itself into 'social-justice-warrior-totalitarianism' at that stage, and no newspaper wanted to drag racial matters into the discussion... How the times have changed.  Today it is a daily event,  10 times each day media will drag racism into the mix, smear a load of famous names as being fascist or sexist.  How did the media evolve so rapidly into a soap-box of slander and smears?  My only theory is one thing.  Terrorism.  Before ISIS there were very few debates on racism... until massive amounts of people started being killed by ISIS both in the Middle East and around the World,  it was about that time when people started getting worried, scared, paranoid and critical of Islam:- The use of the terminology 'Islamophobia' became more and more widely used.  If anyone dared to discuss fears of rising numbers of terror attacks, then they were accused of being 'racist' or 'Islamophobic'...

Let's make it very clear- it is not racist or crazy to know that the massive refugee exodus to Europe could also mean that among those refugees are any number of incredibly dangerous terrorists- only logic and common sense tells you that if 2 million people arrive into Europe from the Middle East,  then there could be a few hundred terrorists hidden among them. But this isn't about the numbers of terrorists possibly hiding in cities.  After the wave of fears and genuine paranoia over Islam in Europe came the Black Lives Matter movement, in response to African Americans killed by Police - the World's media and public all went haywire over racism - and then feminists came into the spotlight when Hillary Clinton ran for the 2016 Presidency... with Donald Trump being hyped by the media and the lap-dog news audience up as being the new bogeyman about to bring in an era of fascism, racism and sexism.... Forget Chairman Mao, Hitler, Stalin, forget the Wall Street thieves and terrorist enemies who want to chop off heads and indoctrinate people to hate the West,  the media has created a new generation of domestic media terrorists, all drooling with hate and willing to attack America's new President-elect from day one, willing to attack voters for daring to vote for a white male over a white female.... smearing the words 'fascism' and 'racism' all over walls and windows.  

The media had put their minds together and came up with a one braincell brainwave- to shuffle and repeat the words 'racist', 'sexist' and 'fascist' over and over within as many news reports as possible, and the brainwashed social-justice warriors jumped into action, calling out and insulting every prominent person they thought deserved it... Today's news contains these key trending words:   white, privileged, fascist, racist, sexist, Islamophobic, male, Trump.... that's about it.  All other news is secondary, small little uninteresting news stories such as economics, trade, recession, the Occupy protests, banksters and the wealthy elite are yesterday's news.  People have given up trying to hold to account the mega-billionaires who caused the financial meltdown of 2008.  Kids and students in 2008 are now 10 years older... and fresh out of high school and  college, without jobs- and troll the news all day long, repeating the news trend catchphrases in comment boxes...

I remember when I was their age,  nothing was about politics, nobody had a tablet or smartphone, internet or 24 hour news.... People just enjoyed the TV, cinemas, the radio, each other's company, playing cards, smoking, drinking and doing the weekly lottery. Brains were in neutral.  The news was something some people watched at 5:00pm or 9:00pm for 30 minutes a few times per week, there was no Twitter or Facebook or online news comment boxes, and virtually no public debate.  Men got really got drunk in bars , had a laugh, joked, listened to the juke box, moaned about the missus, then ended up talking about one report they saw on the news earlier...  and when politics ended up being the conversation, then they'd know it was time to take their drunken souls back home.  Nobody talked about terrorism, racism, fascism, sexism or the wealthy elite.  Today the thousands of new unemployed students have become the social-media sheep, unable to keep away from their internet devices.  They have the complete history of planet Earth contained on the cloud, accessible for them to learn about, taking in massive amounts of knowledge within hours.  Their brains are in overload.... and what are the media doing to their young minds?  Young people will never know what it is like to get into their 30's without internet, smartphones or social media, and without mainstream media having such a grip on their minds.  By the time they get to their 30's they'll all be in straight-jackets.  It's no wonder that they turn to drugs...

The U.K government recently passed a bill to spy on anyone's internet traffic without a warrant, giving Police and intelligence that capability without requiring permission- the E.U Parliament is pushing to counter 'Russian media propaganda' -  the Chinese don't let their people use Facebook and the mainstream media wants all alternative news sites to be blocked.... probably so that the mainstream/establishment media can direct the narrative as they see fit, because that is what they are accustomed to doing-  it works in China, it works in North Korea... if you control the narrative then you condition the public's minds to suit your own needs.  The terrorists who want to destroy the West laugh at the public attacking their new President-elect Trump, seeing the public spit all over their own democracy and freedoms, admiring the media's ability to create the hate against Trump, and get the hate to spread rapidly... After all, ISIS themselves said it was a media war that they were fighting... now western media groups have helped win that war for ISIS, by getting the public to be self-loathing, anti-Trump sheep.

Is this the future, or a warped version of Goebbels media manipulation mind control, where the media get to label one set of white voters or one political party as being 'fascist' or 'racist' (or both), and are we supposed to accept the insulting labels?   People are truly worried about terrorism and the rise of ISIS - their concerns and debates does not make them racists. White people having a house and a job does not make them 'white privileged'...  Men who talk a little bit dirty does not make them sexist perverts.  People who want border controls and to turf people living illegaly out of their countries are not fascists.  The mainstream media have created a platform of hate, false labels, generalizations, accusations, and have elevated the debates over racism and sexism far beyond what is necessary -  as far as I am aware,  the World has not seen Nazi troops stomping through the streets of Europe since the 1940's, there are no KKK processions anymore, most people do not naturally live from day to day with purist racism flooding their brains, - but the media wants you to think that racism and fascism are on the rise.... and they beat on that drum so often, that it actually does start to happen- in your head, convincing you that is the the way things are.  The media and internet kept pushing for revolutionaries, getting their camera crews to be at the riots and protests during the Occupy years, covering BLM protests and the sudden anarchic, anti-Trump micro-revolutionaries:- the young generation of new 'anti-whitey', 'anti-male', 'anti-racist', anti-everything under the sun... The media create those platforms, the protests get bigger,  people get more sucked into the theme of being famous on camera, yelling, screaming, trashing cars, smashing shop windows, like it's one big Hollywood action movie production. Planet of the Apes springs to mind.  

Somehow, somewhere it will end,  the trend of protests created and promoted by the media will get to the end of its life span - and people will look back on how rabid things became, and how the media spun a web of poison for their minds to get caught up in.  Mainstream media,  often referred to as the 'dinosaur media' has risen from the ashes to not roam as the rulers of the World, as real dinosaurs once did, -  but returned as venemous vampires, feeding off the public, and turning them into forked-tongued, foul-mouthed, red-eyed zombies, ...and we all know zombies are in desperate need of brains.

Seriously though, people have been getting physically hurt, hospitalized, Police are being killed just because of the anger and vengeance inside of people, which the media has pretty much assisted in creating and supporting- because the crowds of angry black men use the media to get things revved up for the big protests which then occasionally turn bad.  Of course not every person has been sucked into the doomsday protests against Trump or the 'Brexit',  but between terrorists wanting to destroy our nations and media creating their own brand of terrorists, we can safely conclude that a large chunk of society wildly screaming bloody murder must just stop it.  To use a line from their fallen leader Hillary Clinton... 'First we have to bring them to heel..' -   the mainstream media or any other group wildly attacking without seeming to give a chance to see how things first turn out have to tame down their overhyped message.  If Trump turns out to be a lemon, then people then have the right to criticize.  If the Brexit destroys UK economic growth and the economy of the United Kingdom slumps badly, then again by all means, criticize.  Just leave racism, sexism and fascism out of the comment box and headlines.  Peaceful protesters seem to be a dying breed.

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