The German Co-Pilot and The Worldwide Press

Written by John Escher   
Friday, 27 March 2015 01:48
The airplane crash in The French Alps is another example of commentato incompetence. The newsmen-and-women of today are too mired in the distraction of too much detail. They lack the kind of humanistic perspective that a true liberal arts education can provide.

Oh, they try to be caring and nice; unfortunately, though, their basic naivete always shines through. For a couple of days, for one reason or another, key bits of information did not emerge.

But then it came: the nub of the thing. The co-pilot's psychiatrist had told him not to fly.

This didn't stop the commentatoes from following other angles and distracting themselves and everybody else in every possible way. It was as if mental illness and abnormal psychology had never arrived with them as operative concepts in the modern world. your social media marketing partner
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