Farce Over Psychobabble

Written by John Escher   
Tuesday, 23 July 2013 23:06
The reason that comedic news trumps supposedly "real" news is that comedy is more serious and always was.

Comedy, reader, treats excesses in a very blunt way and doesn't get lost in a maze of psychobabble.

Andy Borowitz of New Yorker.com, by using his comedic license to have New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner pull a camera phone from his pocket and photograph his pants during his recent "news" conference, gets at Weiner's or rather Carlos Danger's non-repentance after resigning his job in a better way than declaring it.

The real punch comes in the headline of The Borowitz Report (WEINER CONTINUES SEXTING DURING APOLOGY).

The correct response to Weiner and people as silly as he-- a lot of people of all stripes right now-- is this: Always whack fools over the head as Shakespeare does in TWELFTH NIGHT.

Near the end of the play, Sir Andrew Aguecheek appears in the middle of the stage and wails, "Hast broke my head acrosst and hast given Sir Toby a bloody coxcomb too."

Dumping slops on Anthony Weiner might be good as well. Or having a huge Punch and Judy puppet use a bat to clout Weiner on the behind. We all need to uphold the long, sensible tradition in history and literature for dealing with persons as out of it as him. But electing him mayor of New York City most definitely would not be good thought. Nor would one more minute of the self-indulgent analysis of him and his wife so characteristic of play journalism and psychopop or psychobabble or maudlin ramblings or whatever you want to call it.
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