For Occupy Wall Street To Succeed We Need Hope Beyond a PERFORMANCE, We Need a META-REVOLUTION of TRANSCENDENCE!

Sunday, 04 December 2011 09:54
We can all find limitless satisfaction, as well as limitless health, through strategies to achieve absolute joy instead of settling for relative pleasure. Absolute transcendence may only be reached when, and if, we first achieve and maintain a consciouness of awareness. We need a consciousness and an awareness of limitless hope and possibility. This involves becoming and manitaining and enhancing being open to the awareness of the anxiety involved in ambiguity.

One way to BEGIN to make "cracks" in our pervasive denial of our unawareness is to watch films that are considered politically incorrectand/or subversive. John Carpenter's "They Live", is a 1988 Sci-fi movie where the protagonist in the movie, by wearing special sunglasses, begins to see otherwize invisible messages like "OBEY", "CONSUME", DO NOT QUESTION AUTHORITY","STAY ASLEEP", NO INDEPENDENT THOUGHT" and on dollar bills "THIS IS YOUR GOD", is seen. Once ANY consciouness emerges, ABSOLUTE transcendence can be sought, because ABSOLUTE transcendence is the reward for risking a META-REVOLUTIONARY state of consciousness.

Achieving ABSOLUTE transcendance is the most sublime life event. For instance I had all but given up on love, and it was as if I had "died to life". My only mission had become to "awaken the world" to it's distraction-sleep. However, all my subversive teachings and writings did was to create students and readers that were motivated to act against me, because in a subliminal projection, that was what I felt I deserved. It was a self fulfilling prophecy, because I had yet to become aware that there WAS hope for limitless joy. I had despaired subconsciously that there could BE anything other than physical, intellectual, sexual and emotional PERFORMANCE! Now I know that there can be and IS physical, intellectual, sexual and emotional limitlessness or TRANSCENDANCE!

This awareness occured because I took a Kiekegaardian "leap of faith". Previous to the "leap of faith", I had been merely been PRACTICING to have my self validity, in other words, my self validity HAD ME. Society and culture determined my identity FOR me. I used to seek others approval for most of my life. When I decided to begin giving myself my own self approval, I began to start the process of EXPERIENTIALLY, and ACTIVELY META-REVOLUTIONIZING my life instead of THEORETICALLY and ABSTRACTLY REVOLUTIONIZING my life.

First I left the tradition and customs of external morality, i.e., my "family", my socially and culturally constructed "family". Then I began to leave my socially and culturally constructed IDENITIES, i.e., by "giving birth" to my "dark side", ie by CHOOSING VOLUNTARILLY to survive economic aparthied, homelessness, etc, instead of accepting a label of VICTIM. Then I flaunted that "dark side" experience in the face of all of society and all of culture by being open about it again and again in mewspapers, etc. Being open with my emotional vulnerabilities was, IMHO, necessary to become strong enough to eventually be CONFIDENT enough to feel DESERVING of physical, intellectual, sexual emotional TRANSCENDANCE!

This TRANSCENDANCE is what has been missing in ALL revolutions up till now. There is only RELATIVE good in a political, cultural, social , etc., revolution if what is sought after is only the promise of RELATIVE changes in QUALITY OF LIFE issues. What we all need is a META-REVOLUTION, A TRANSCENDANCE REVOLUTION! For instance, sexual transcendance frees the loved and the lover from political correctness AND from society AND culture,any and all expectations and,as a result this freedom LAUNCHES the loved and the lover into the limitlessness of possibility which IS the anxiety of ambiguity. In this ULTIMATE freedom, a kiss awakens the consciousness and the soul to the possibility that the loved and the lover ARE TRANSCENDANT SOCIETY AND CULTURE. This is because having been freed from the ego and drama of limitations, the loved and the lover have TRANSCENDED all of the limitations, all of the negativity of, all of the TIME AND SPACE of society and culture. Through TRANSCENDANT LOVE they ARE ONE AND ARE ALL IN THEIR ONENESS.

Along with this transcendant love, there is is freedom from communication limitations, as well, so that even communication can go beyond speechmaking, sound bites, PERFORMANCES to ABSOLUTE TRUTH. As a result absolute truth (and ABSOLUTE JOY, as well), is experienced instead of the guarded defensiveness involved in RELATIVE communication. By following such strategies as outlined here, namely embracing and flaunting all of our "dark sides" instead of denying the dark in favor of an illusion that just the "light" side of us deserves acceptance, and by folowing the strategies outlined in "An Absolute Pleasure Social Contract Manifesto For Occupy Wall Street", we will all transcend UTOPIA! your social media marketing partner
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