What are you getting OWS for Christmas?

Written by Amigosa   
Thursday, 01 December 2011 09:44
Over the holiday weekend this year American consumers went out and spent over fifty billion big ones. In fact it was a substantial increase in spending from the year prior.

How much of that money did they give to their local Occupy camp? How much of that money was donated to these heroes so that they can continue to fight the good fight? So they can go out and risk pepper spray, rubber bullets, public scorn, arrest, being beaten, or catching pneumonia to protect our constitution and our rights? How much of those dollars were supporting a movement that is braving the harsh and unforgiving elements, the most viscous political environment since the Civil War, and the worsening post 9/11 police state?

We should be giving the OWS movement the same amount of respect and support we so passionately give to our men and women in uniform.

Why is it so hard for people to see these occupiers for what they really are? They are our Soldiers of Solidarity. They are our modern day "Sons and Daughters of Liberty".

It is obvious that the system has a very tight grip on the hearts and mind's of Americans. If money talks, then what are we as a nation saying right now? Not to the world, but to each other. While the ship is quite literally sinking we would rather give our money and support to China, unpatriotic corporations, and a rogue central government than our own contemporary revolutionaries?

I am determined to change that. My name is Damien Darby and I am the author of "American Epitaph". I am going to donate a lion's share of the proceeds from my eBook to Occupy Seattle. My intention is through solidarity with others be able to print out their "needs list" and buy for them every single item on it.It is a really inexpensive, but powerful and valuable message in and of itself. One that I believe speaks for the movement, and is a symbolical piece of literature that down the road people can look at and get a clear idea of where our heads were at.

Help me America. Help me take care of our occupiers in Seattle, Everett, Tacoma, Olympia and elsewhere in my state this year for Christmas. I think you will be pleasantly surprised on the return you get for your money vs what you are used to experiencing throwing it all away on mindless consumer products. It is a clean grassroots way to funnel untainted funds not dripping with political/private interests. I am the epitome of the 99%, the poster child.

If you can, please check out American Epitaph. 50% of every dollar raised goes to Occupy Seattle directly through me. Not through some banker, or broker, or politician, or association, organization, or lobbying firm. Help me make this Christmas an amazing Christmas for Occupy Seattle and elsewhere.

If not then I ask you please, please, go find your local occupation camp and see what you can do to help them this winter and what if anything you could afford to get them for Christmas. Keep in mind that the best gift you can give to your country right now is to join them personally out there in the streets, parks, capitol buildings, and town squares. The most potent gift, is yourself.

Cheers and Solidarity from Seattle!
Happy Holidays OWS movement. The hope for a new world and a better country has been born in me because of you. There is no one and no other thing on Earth that I would rather support with my art.

Damien Darby
e-max.it: your social media marketing partner
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