Musings on the Observable Universe and Existing Inside it.

Written by Jaron Pearlman   
Wednesday, 21 May 2014 02:22
My favorite thing about musing on the subject of our universe is the need for abstract thought. While politics, history, or world affairs pull from finite periods of time and information; exploring our place among the stars is an ever evolving and increasingly curious quest. Just as far back as the 16th century things like the telescope didn’t even exist- though human beings have studied the stars and heavens since our conception in the heart of Africa. Musing about space, time, and our role in existence has always been about abstract thought. It gave rise to religion, philosophy, literary skills, speech, and even morality- as the search for man’s meaning is as human as walking on two legs or co-existing socially. Obviously in lieu of how massive and minuscule the cosmos are many of my conclusions are just opinions. However I maintain that’s the point of observing and considering the macro- it is the ultimate inkblot test to which no answer is right or wrong.

Human observation of the stars began sensibly enough. Positions of the constellations (star tracking) were used to keep track of season, migration patterns of animals used for food/clothes, and much more. In order to pass down knowledge of the stars to future generations two integral human qualities emerged.

One was advanced physical speech- which became much more valuable as nomadic peoples spread across the globe. This enabled oral tradition that could be used to pass on acquired knowledge to future generations.

Uniform languages inevitably gave way to writing, which made it possible to communicate more effectively over vast periods of time. Human tribes grew as civilized stability increased giving rise eventually to the agricultural revolution.

The other is the origins of all world religions. In the beginning of religion human populations must have still been very small, as many similarities are extremely cross cultural. For example Jesus Christ, Horus and Ra of Ancient Egypt, Hindu Krishna, Meso American Quetzalcoatl, Greek Dionysus, the Buddha, Zoroaster, Chinese philosopher Lao-Kium, and Persian Mithra (among others), were ALL born of virgins, many signified by a star in the east, performed miracles, died for three days and resurrected ect. The significance of this is astounding. All of the birth dates of these Gods are in late December (specifically around the 25th) which marks the winter solstice; the period of longest night and shortest day.

After the solstice days get longer and nights shorter, allowing ancient peoples to begin to move about freely again and eventually produce agriculture/hunt based on seasons. Knowledge of the solstice has been documented in caves dating back to 12,000 years. To add even more to this, Gods like Mithra, Horus, and many more were ‘Gods of the Sun’; the metaphor being their ‘birth’ signified the end of the long winter and the coming of spring (i.e. the birth/rebirth of the sun). In the case of Jesus Christ, his moniker became the ‘Son of God’ (Sun of God). Celebrating this period of mid-winter gave an otherwise bleak time of year significance, and rejuvenated our ancestors anticipation of the warm months to come.

World religions are littered with this type of metaphorical abstract thought, and they diversified as humans populated the world.

Following close on the heels of this is the subject of sacred geometry (which deserves endless essays all to itself). Geometric anomalies like the cross (which outlines the sacred egg of elliptical orbits), pentagram, hexagram, triangle, or Fibonacci sequence are actually human documentations of the fractal that is existence. These recurring and repeating patterns are illustrated in everything from celestial orbits/astral alignments to the form of living beings, and have worked their way deep into human culture.

As an example, the archetype that constitutes an atom is identical to planetary orbits; the smaller electrons orbiting the larger mass of protons and neutrons just as moons would do to a planet (or a planet to a star). In addition to this, the DNA instructions for organisms are held/made in the nucleus, just as the basic cosmic elements are held/made in the nuclear reactions inside a supernova. Another instantly recognizable archetype can be seen in the similarities between spiral galaxies and hurricanes/tornadoes, or in the Fibonacci spiral seen in everything from nautilus shells, to plant life, to the human skull.

Relating to sacred geometric interaction is physics: the study of how mass, energy, and force interact in space-time (which I will return to). These traditionally include acoustics (sound), optics (light including infrared and ultraviolet), electromagnetism (magnetic/electric interaction), and thermodynamics (energy conversion and transfer). Physics determine how products of sacred geometry interact environmentally and with each other. The principles applied to sacred geometry, physics, and gravity are the basic blocks of our observable universe and are in essence the rules that we operate under inside this plane of existence (more can be found under the subject of The Quadrivium, wherin geometry is number in space, music is number in time, and the universe expresses number in space AND time; effectively geometry and music).

Space-time can be thought of as a river with an impressionable riverbed. For instance, a marble placed on the riverbed will create an indention that will attract other passing masses and ‘sediment’. This is the law of attraction. In space-time the indention isn’t just at the ‘bottom’ of the marble but engulfing it at all sides, creating attraction between objects and orbits. The ‘water’ for said riverbed is time. The flow of time over matter erodes it much like water over a rock, until eventually the rock is no more. Time also moves faster when near matter, rather than unopposed in the emptiness of space. Just like a river breaking over a rock, the displaced water (time) picks up velocity on either side of the matter before slowing again. Sergei Krikalev, a Russian astronaut, helped prove this during his 748 day stay in space; where highly accurate clocks documented that he came back to Earth a full one-fiftieth of a second younger than if he had stayed on the ground.

GPS satellites also confirm that masses seem to attract ‘velocity’ from time, though at a very small rate by human standards (it can be calculated to a miniscule decimal place). Just as high speeds can affect time, slow speeds can as well- showing that any change in speed affects the passage of time. Even just driving down the road in a car at an accelerated rate changes interaction between physical mass and time, implying that each of us participates in time shifts frequently. Though we each change our individual times frames we still exist on the same plane, much like Sergei the time traveler who is ‘younger’ than anyone on earth.

Though this falls in line with general relativity, there are still breaches of the set of physics and time-space interaction that we know.

Black holes are one of course, and could be likened once again to the riverbed. Suppose that so much mass or energy were exerted on a specific point of the riverbed that it literally tore the ground reaching deep into the earths mantle. An object of great density or an explosion of great magnitude can do the same to space time, literally tearing a hole in space-time into what is ’underneath’.

The other is a recent discovery of the Higgs Boson (or ‘God’) particle, which is binds energy to mass for it to interact. Boson particles are thought to be the ‘carrier’ between a force/energy of any kind and its reactionary; making Bosons (theoretically) zip in and out of the contained reality of our observable universe whenever forces are exerted upon masses. Electromagnetic waves use photons, weak nuclear forces use W and Z bosons, and though it hasn’t been confirmed its speculated gravitons are used by gravity. The Higgs Boson is thought to interact with the Higgs Field (which is LITERALLY all encompassing and pervades all of reality), to give mass to matter. In other words, in order for the material to express itself physically, the Higgs Boson must bind the literal physics of an object to its surroundings.

Now this begs the question what is outside our set of physics and reality? Where do black holes lead and where do bosons come and go from?

When a black hole is created time flows down it like a drain, more slowly toward the edges and with increasing speed near the actual hole. Many spiral galaxies like the Milky Way are actually being slowly sucked down their local black hole, creating the winding spiral pattern that we see. As matter is sucked in the hole narrows distorting time and matter beyond the ability of present written equations to express what is occurring; while spitting out the excess of it can’t swallow in a plume of superheated material. Theoretically all that condensed matter and time that makes it inside the hole is broken down and compressed beyond comprehension, and can only then exist in a state that can only be described in a presently unknown set of equations.

That realities that exist beyond the necessities for what we know as matter and time have infinite possibilities. One alternate state of physics could be that infinite mass and density are achievable but only in the size of a fingernail. Another could be where time flows in waves and waterfalls rather than a calm river (maybe even reversing current periodically?).

Perhaps one reality would have a different set of sacred geometries creating unimaginable orbits and life-forms. Perhaps one even exists that is identical but alternate to our own! What this ideology leads up to is inter-dimensionality, of which there could be infinite outcomes and possibilities. My interpretation that that various dimensions exist via conduit of space-time ruptures. It is even suggested by theoretical physicists (and is becoming popular among astrophysicists) that our own universe is a four dimensional holographic projection from a multidimensional source outside the observable universe. This reinforces the significance of fractal like sacred geometries and creates a fairly logical origin for the big bang.

As the big bang originated out of infinite density and heat, its contents could not exist in that form according to our present written laws of physics. Therefor the material for our known universe exploded when entering our set of physics from its own, where infinite density and heat were allowed. While the big bang material was feasible and (somewhat) stable in one dimension, it was literally a bomb upon entering another. To me this implies that dimensions are either in constant contact, overlaying each other like an ‘infinite sandwich’- or come into contact periodically as if drifting by while suspended in some sort of space/material of their own. It also implies (to me) that our universe IS finite and has a definite amount of space, though universal expansion is happening.

The model that makes the most sense in my mind would be somewhat similar to a carbonated beverage- where bubbles containing sets of physics, geometries, and universes are afloat at random in a suspending material. While those bubbles can expand and contract, they are finite and can burst entirely if under too much pressure; creating smaller bubbles out of the remnants. When two bubbles touch, or when bubble remnants join a host bubble their set of physics/geometries clash and one set dominates over another- creating a violent explosion. Imagining bubbles joining in a bath or a drink illustrates how I perceive the macro to interact (though I am sure natural laws are somehow deviated from in this gigantic setting). A black hole could then perhaps be a conduit to a ‘sister-bubble’; a path to an alternate dimension whose nature we couldn’t comprehend. Many of these bubbles would be connected in this way, though still adrift in said suspending material- colliding periodically and transferring energy endlessly to be converted, broken down, and reconverted into forces/masses/sentient life.

Even at its largest and smallest division, existence seems to be fractal like. While the macro makes humanity seem small, fractals ensure that each decision we make is potentially of ultimate and no significance simultaneously. Not to overuse the cliche, but perhaps the only ‘purpose’ of sentient life is for the universe to observe itself. Perhaps the universe is only given existence through observation!

Recent hypothesis in theoretical physics have begun to suggest that consciousness itself is a state of matter, not unlike gas, solids, or liquids. Just as these three states of matter vary in constitution and kinetic potential, so do levels of consciousness. In these terms, consciousness is re-evaluated as natural systems of information integration and retention- whereby the amount/type of combining information yields conscious or experiential results. The level of consciousness relates directly to the amount/type of information retained yielding different levels of self awareness, emotional capacity, and ability to pass on knowledge.

Relating back to sacred geometry and the river/space-time metaphor is one of the Seven Universal Laws. The Immutable Law of Vibration states that ‘nothing rests’ and ‘everything moves’, showing that everything in our universe (including us) is a series of vibrations, not unlike light or sound waves. All of our senses are based off vibrations, including brain waves, and even solid matter carries a resonant frequency. The famous example is breaking a wine glass with sound. If the resonant frequency of the glass it matched it will break, but if not the waves will be reflected leaving an undamaged glass. When waves of any type of energy match, they increase in power. For sounds, the amplitude increases until the matter it corresponds to literally breaks from the force of vibration.

Even for a skyscraper (or theoretically a planet) a weight at the top and matching its resonant frequency can bring the building down as a result of ever increasing amplitude.

What this means is that planets, people, and our observable universe are in fact literal vibrations.

In a glass of water, sound and light waves create many different geometric patterns. The type and nature of waves put in the water affect what pattern is made- a hexagon, octagon, pentagon ect. The same is true in our space-time ‘riverbed’. When the frequencies abound in the universe interact with the setting of space-time we see geometric reactions that are all beyond similar- they are family. It is out of this principle that we see orbits and alignments of planets making mandalas in the sky, the fractal showing geometric relation between a skull and an axial view of a DNA strand, and the real meaning of ‘as above, so below’.

All of this has incredible relations to musicality as a blueprint for sentient life, but I will have to save that for a different article!

In the context of all this ’God’ could be defined as many different things, but what is clear is that none of this negates a deity. Regardless of how it is perceived, personified, ignored or misconstrued the reality prevails that everything IS literally connected. We are bound by fractals, geometries, sets of physics, the Higgs Boson Field, bosons, and however we choose to interpret them. It seems to me the original intent of religion alluded to this, even if ancient peoples didn’t know the full significance. As they diversified religions around the world were perverted into control systems and manipulative devices; leaving a current world full of zealous or hollow followers seemingly immune to real universal solidarity. Abstract thought lead early humans to understand our connection to the universe, and I believe it can unify us once again.

“We are the means by which the Universe enjoys itself.” – Carl Sagan your social media marketing partner
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