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writing for godot

Do The Math

Written by Sherry Glaser-Love   
Monday, 10 October 2011 15:16
A few of the issues spotlighted by Occupy Together are the unrestrained power of Wall Street, flagrant economic injustice and the ongoing financial burden of two or three undeclared wars. ( Not to mention the human cost). If we end the wars and tax the rich a lot of the money problems are solved, obviously the 1% (including the war profiteers) are not happy about this.

Those who occupy identify as the %99.

Who are the 99%?

Well here they are:

If you are unemployed or If you have two or three part-time jobs. If you have a mortgage. If you are a student. If you are a child. If you do manual labor. If you are a teacher, nurse or member of a union. If you have a minimum wage job. If you do clerical work. If you are a farmer. If you receive Medicare or Medicaid. If you pay high premiums for health insurance or don’t have any. If you are paying off a medical bill or a student loan. If you have credit card debt. If you pay into social security or receive social security. If you’re on disability. If you have been foreclosed upon. If you have a family member in hospice or elder care. If you’re a peace activist or a folk singer. If you rely on or provide childcare. If you are undocumented worker. If you work 9-5. If you are a firefighter or police officer. If you work overtime. If you worry about paying your bills. If you haven’t had a vacation in years. If you put off going to the dentist because you can’t afford it. If you have served in the U.S. military. If you are poor or homeless. If you are in prison or on probation. If you native American. If you lost your pension or retirement money in the financial crisis. If you shop a discount stores. If you don’t have a car. If you eat out of your garden. If you’re in the sex industry. If you have been turned down for a loan. If you pay more taxes than Exxon, Bank of America or GE (They paid no taxes last year) If you can’t afford to fill up your car with gas. If you are against the war or want the troops to come home now. If you pay for car insurance. If you have no savings account. If you have less than a million dollars. If you are afraid for your future. You are the 99% and so am I.

We personify the democratic, compassionate, intelligent, articulate, non-violent possibilities and solutions that we, as the 99% are capable of. We exhibit the brilliance and capacity of our social network to bring revolution with the nimble dexterity of our fingers. We the People are awakening and we are everywhere.

It is not about republicans, democrats, independents, right or left wing, Muslims, Jews, Christians, gays, straights, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, women or men. It’s about people. A lot of people who are paying attention and understand that Wall St. in cahoots with international corporations and the US government have robbed us of our treasury and possibly our future.

I’m excited about the quantum leap that’s on the horizon so when we say %99 percent we’re not just talking about America, We’re talking about the whole wide world. On October 31st, according to the world-o-meter, the total world population will reach 7 billion people. Here’s some fun math. There are just over a thousand billionaires in the world and their net worth is 3.6 trillion dollars. There are ten million millionaires. Their assets make up about 42 trillion dollars. There’s 44 trillion dollars in the world. That leaves 2 trillion for us. That’s about $300 dollars apiece. No wonder everybody’s so upset. Here’s another equation. Let’s see 7 billion people minus ten million 1 thousand equals. 6,989,999,000. I love math. your social media marketing partner
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