The way it was:

Written by Gregg Herreid   
Monday, 23 November 2015 05:06
The way it was:

"The U.S. government was not instituted to take care of you. It was not instituted to feed you. It was not instituted to provide you with health care or insurance. It was not instituted to provide income for you in your old age. It was not instituted to educate you or your children. It was not instituted to dictate how your land could be used. It was not instituted to provide subsidies or special favors to some individuals and businesses. It was not instituted to prevent you from being offended. It was not instituted to provide charity programs for the citizens of other countries, in their own countries or within our own. It was not instituted to provide the defense bulwark for the entire world. It was not instituted to be an instrument to protect moral wrongs masquerading as rights. It was not instituted as a judicial oligarchy, where all final decisions are made by judges, and where legislators and executives can shirk their own responsibilitie s to support and defend the Constitution.

If you want to know what the U.S. government WAS instituted to do, go read the Constitution, and the words of the men who wrote it. It's all written in plain English. You don't have to be a lawyer or a scholar to understand it. You just have to be a citizen who cares about your own responsibilitie s and the fate of your posterity." your social media marketing partner
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