Patriarchy and the 7th Extinction

Written by Patrick Wells   
Tuesday, 13 May 2014 05:18
In my discussion about the 7th Extinction, it is important to note that the 6th Extinction is already underway. “In her new book, The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History, Elizabeth Kolbert describes traveling the world to document the mass extinction of species that seems to be unfolding before our eyes. There have been five comparable crises in the history of life on Earth, she writes, but this one is different: It's being caused by the human race. Her subject this time is what she sees as the tragedy at the very core of human nature: ‘The qualities that made us human to begin with: our restlessness, our creativity, our ability to solve problems and complete complicated tasks,’ Kolbert writes, are leading us to change the world so rapidly and profoundly that other species can't keep up. The scientific evidence suggests that we're now living through a mass extinction comparable to the one at the end of the Cretaceous period, when an asteroid impact wiped out the dinosaurs and three-quarters of all species on Earth.”

This is a brilliant article and Elizabeth Kolbert is an extraordinary investigator and scientist. She makes a superb case that “The qualities that made us human to begin with” are the primary causes of the 6th Extinction. But, unfortunately, she may have missed the most important, hidden and underlying villain in the ongoing destruction of our environment and the possible destruction of the Human Race. This villain is called Patriarchy; it is defined as the global rule of men. Patriarchy has primarily been a history of violence and continual war for the past 5000 years. This villain carefully hides in its violent longevity.

Patriarchy is already partly on its way to completing the destruction of Planet Earth and all her species. This egregious fact is hardly noticed by anyone in our species other than those who are victimized by it, women and children. Indeed, history, as conventionally written has been literally written by men who won their war, with only an occasional mention of their women. Patriarchy has been in hidden dominance for so long that this excellent female investigator, Ms. Kolbert, could not even imagine that there is an alternative way of viewing the history and the world.

If we examine our past with an open heart, taking into account all of human history, including prehistory, using a database that includes the whole of humanity, with both its male and female points of view, a very different picture starts to emerge. From this point of view, Patriarchy can now be seen as the root of all the world's worst problems (i.e., war, environmental destruction, colonization, rape, sexism, racism, violence against women, terrorism, pornography, sexual slavery, fascism, religious fanaticism, and homophobia). I believe that if we don’t fix the underlying and mostly hidden cause of the 6th Extinction, Patriarchy, that it could also lead us to the 7th Extinction, which would be the end of the Human Race.

The argument between the validity of Matriarchy versus Patriarchy can actually be boiled down to two words. Although both Matriarchy and Patriarchy utilize cooperation and competition, a Patriarchy is based primarily on Competition, while a Matriarchy is based primarily on Cooperation. At the level of human microcosm, Competition is one of the important keys to human survival. At the level of human macrocosm, Cooperation is the only path to human survival. Humankind is now on the wrong path, Patriarchy!

The logic against Patriarchy and for the adoption of Matriarchy is now very clear for the Human Race.

(1.) Women are by far the stronger gender (except for physical strength) and thus should lead the Human Race. Despite what the Old Testament says, woman is not made from man, in fact, man is actually a hybrid of woman. Why, because all human fetuses are female for the first 7 weeks of gestation. The males by then have generated the glands that create the testosterone that makes them males.
For males, being the weaker sex manifests itself in many ways. Men face many more biological problems, so they suffer more physical and mental problems. 80% of all spontaneous abortions are male. 99% of all serial killers are male. The male incarceration rate is roughly 15 times that of the female. By far the most complicated and dangerous of all family relationships is the mother-son bond. The male hormone testosterone plays havoc biologically and behaviorally with men's bodies to such an extent that they are more likely to smoke, drink, take illegal drugs and take risks that lead serious accidents. So males are clearly the weaker sex except only for their physicality.

(2.) Lets examine how two almost identical species to each other (and ours), lead their tribes, the bonobo and the common chimpanzee. The bonobo, is in fact, the closest extant relative to humans. Chimpanzee societies are more Patriarchal or male dominated, whereas bonobos live in more female-centered or Matriarchal societies. Chimpanzees are political, aggressive, hunt for meat, and engage in primitive war with neighboring groups. Sounds just like men. Bonobos have sex for pleasure as well as procreation and are very peaceful. This is a perfect biological example for endorsing Matriarchy for humanity.

(3.) A Patriarchy treats all new inventions very differently than does a Matriarchy. The Matriarchy uses all new inventions to improve the living standards for the whole community. The Patriarchy first tries to weaponize all new inventions (i.e. Nuclear Energy). For a Patriarchy winning the next war is the first priority, for a Matriarchy peace and prosperity are the primary two priorities.

(4.) Male scientists have insisted that a peaceful human society is merely a utopian idea, an impossible dream. We are taught about religious dogmas of “original sin” and secular theories about “selfish genes.” Not coincidentally, in both cases, these ideas are solidly wedged in stories about how male dominance is either divinely ordained, or scientifically endorsed.

(5.) Patriarchy has dramatically diminished the role that most women play in our world outside of being wives and mothers. Until around the late 19th Century, most men thought that all women were hysterical creatures that needed to be lead and controlled. That is why U.S. men gave the right to vote to their former slaves before their current wives. That is why the U.S. elected a black man to be President before a woman.

(6.) Human males throughout modern history have required that the females use makeup and always be dressed up, turning Nature completely on its head. It is very clear that in Nature, that the females most often look very differently than they do in a human Patriarchy. In much of Nature, the females “dress” modestly while the males do all the “makeup” and the “dressing up”. Just look at the bird kingdom, where the males grandly show off all the colors of the rainbow, while the females are very modest in their entire coloring.

(7.) We are also taught that our Western civilization began with brutally male-dominated and very warlike societies. So if there was anything before Patriarchy in our prehistory, it was so primitive, as to be not worthy of any attention. In her extraordinary book, THE CHALICE AND THE BLADE, Riane Eisler challenges that belief by describing the last very successful Matriarchy that ended by around 5000 years ago. It was destroyed by a Patriarchy on horseback.

I believe that I was born right in the middle of WWII (March 30, 1943) to help tear down the wall of Patriarchy before Patriarchy destroys the Human Race. I am very much like my relative, Robert Cushman, who negotiated with the Crown for the sailing of the Mayflower and the founding of Plymouth Colony. He sailed over on the Fortune. He was searching for a final home to practice his version of Christianity.
I am Patrick Cushman Wells, his descendant. I am the producer of the movie AT JESUS’ SIDE. I also lived in a town named Plymouth for 20 years.
I am searching for a final home to practice Matriarchy.

By Patrick Wells

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