Tuesday, 10 December 2013 00:28
My mission is RAW LIFE. People find it hard to believe that I want just RAW LIFE instead of refined, civilized, processed life. Anything other than RAW LIFE requires selling out and exchanging your soul, your imagination, your spirit, consciousness and replacing these with money, fame, power.

Only RAW LIFE using my imagination, consciousness, etc. excites me. If I could find someone, anyone who has a mission more exciting than a RAW LIFE MISSION I would certainly exchange my mission for theirs, IF I could use my consciousness, imagination, soul, spirit, etc., instead of having my consciousness, imagination, soul, spirit etc., USE ME!

Everyone and everything bores me except my RAW LIFE MISSION. I will keep trying to find someone with a more exciting mission, but everyone else's mission is, without exception, a MISSION OF DEFENSIVENESS, DEFENSIVENESS INVOLVING MONEY, FAME, POWER.

All my so-called friends are so defensive of their quality of processed life issues. They all deny that I even have a RAW LIFE MISSION. They fear RAW LIFE and imagination, consciousness,soul spirit. They are in the QUALITY OF PROCESSED LIFE mode, whereas I am in raw life or raw death mode.

These so called friends are so arrogant. They want me to pay attention to their boring quality of life issues, like if they will have enough money for THE FUTURE, while I am "drowning" in raw, survival excitement in THE PRESENT.

When you are in raw life or raw death mode, there is little if any time for FRIENDS, anyway. This is because all your energy goes to sleeping to be ready for the raw life or raw death awakeness to come. The energy expended just being grateful for another day is exhausting.

No one who is in quality of processed life mode can comprehend raw life or raw death mode. All they do is criticize me for being my own mission of raw life survival. The say things like: "it's always about you Barbara"!
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