Landslides are wasteful - I Love Gov. Tom Wolf, BUT!

Written by RICHARDKANE.philadelphia   
Thursday, 01 November 2018 16:32
Elections: Opposite Extremes in the Delaware Valley
I love PA Gov. Bush, but with Tough Love I won’t vote for him. If I lived across the river in New Jersey, I would never vote for the “Brawling Bobs”, and a large number in New Jersey Agree
Usually when one candidate is way ahead, the election is sleepy, never with PA Gov. Wolf. He doesn’t even have much coattails. Republican Scott Wagner has foot in the mouth disease, and is a goon or pretends to be one. Meanwhile Libertarian Gov. candidate Ken Krawchuk is a low key candidate even gentle with Wolf, and it would make Republicans quake if he got some of the over-votes. New Jersey is the opposite both major party candidates Bob Mendendez and Bob Hugin. People may vote blindly or skip the race or stay home on election day. Hugin once contributed large donations to both Trump and Menendez, pro-choice, but suddenly came out for Judge Kavanaugh, when pro-life Independent Lisa McCormic was about to get National Right to Life support.
Wolf should realize, the Republican Party can't totally, even slowly, disappear even in strongly Democratic Philadelphia unless other party's like the Libertarian and/or Green Party take the Republican Party’s place. If Wolf would debate the two 3rd partypicking candidates, more Democrats will win in the State Senate and House, and America’s traditional issue-oriented politics rather than smear politics will start to come back. Constantly “crying wolf”, led again and again to Governor Wolf for himself only a few for the other Democrats on the balot. Those campaign donations sent to Wolf can actually help if sent to the better candidates in tight races.
When it comes to the PA Senate race, it is the Green Peace Candidate Neal Gale, who needs to get a real percent of the votes so the voters can signal they don’t like Casey's weaknesses, and the Green Party needs sufficient votes to add Green to Independent as an alternative voter registration slot to check off. Sen. Bob Casey and Lou Barletta totally agree on one thing, America needs to constantly waste more and more on Defense spending. Al Qaeda and ISIS also dream of helping the US go bankrupt. Outside the West they like to attack hospitals, schools and funerals, but in the West they know the draft is a cheaper way to fight, never attacking Defense Contractors home. offices, because mercenaries cost the US a fortune.
In NJ the endless hate ads against two clearly somewhat culpable candidates is turning people of to politics including the Scott Wagner campaign in listening Eastern PA. An eddied pro-Menendez add could be sent to close Senate races by the Republicans to seem to say you got to vote for a crook to stop Trump from getting his Supreme Court.
Due to this brawl, PA Scott Wallace and other House Democrats are less likely to win, it could even shave votes in battleground Senate races, especially if pieces of a pro-Menendez ad is excerpted in close swing states. The Democratic Party around the nation could show it has the high ground to endorse and contribute to Hank Schroeder for an Independent to sit with the Democrats, Bernie Sanders might endorse the Green Peace candidate Madelyn Hoffman, or the Libertarian Murray Sabrin, who will return America back to issues, not smears.
Anyone who speaks out or contributes to Sabrin for NJ Senate won’t affect the vote spread between the two Bobs. Sabrin opposed Kavanaugh for 4th Amendment reasons. He will effectively oppose Trump and bring real issues back to US politics. On the other hand if the Green Peace Candidate Madelyn Hoffman gets significant votes to be a spokesperson, there will be more pressure for the US to stop contributing to Saudi Arabia’s horrible wars, and be a step toward making it less likely for America to go bankrupt by endless defense spending. Peace groups repeatedly ask for donations on candidates who support disarmament leaving out NJ Madelyn Hoffman, the most turbulent race.

Americans are desperate to say they don’t want dirty politics, but constant overwhelming victories by Tom Wolf doesn’t prove a thing. your social media marketing partner
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