The NRA Blew It

Written by B.T. Hill   
Friday, 21 December 2012 03:46
I'll admit, I did hold some hope that the NRA would come up with a reasonable counteroffer in today's press conference; it's first appearance since the Newtown shootings last week.
I was wrong.

The NRA's Wayne LaPierre blew it today.

He proposed that the only way to prevent another incident like the Sandy Hill Elementary School shooting, Virginia Tech or Columbine killings was to have an armed guard in EVERY school in this nation.

My first thought was: who is going to pay for this: the school districts, local counties or municipalities or the federal government or tax payers? His solution, in total keeping with the extremist views of the NRA, is to put more guns out there.

OK, Wayne - what about our places of worship, shopping malls and theaters - all of which have had mass shootings? Y

Yep, ya done good, Wayne! You made sure you kept up the image of the good old boy, redneck, Rambo-like stance that the NRA is famous for! You blamed everybody else: the media, the mentally ill, everybody but your organization.

You're obviously a mouthpiece for the gun industry, making sure they get their barely-legal watered down military-type assault weapons into the hands of the public.

Is there no horror in any cell of your body about what happened a week ago?

Are there no thoughts of a concession? "Gee, maybe it IS time to rethink the assault weapons ban. After all, NRA members would still have other firearms they could buy."

Someone did some quick math on putting armed guards in every school in the country. Using a number of 67,000+ for elementary schools - high schools already have one and the figures are muddy for middle schools as some are one in the same - let's see what my friend came up with. This is a ballpark figure, remember....,

67,000 x $40K median salary/yr = $2.68 BILLION a year.

This does not include benefits or other costs and remember, it's an estimate.

OK, Mr. NRA dude: back to WHO IS GOING TO PAY FOR THIS? We're on the edge of the fiscal cliff now. Do you really think that the federal government is going to go along with this and spend well over $2.68 BILLION a year to carry out this ridiculous scenario? They're cutting the budget, Mr. NRA dude and you want to add to it? Oh, wait! We'll cut Social Security or Medicare to pay for your dumb plan! Riiiight!

Remember Columbine, Mr. LaPierre? There was an armed guard there. Another officer responded shortly after the first "shots fired" call went out from the guard in the school. Still, 15 were killed and 23 injured.

You blew it today Wayne. As I write this the backlash is starting & I couldn't be happier!

Your organization needs to come out of the Wild West, out of the paranoia it preaches. A visit to your Facebook page revealed that the NRA has done a very good job of brainwashing its members. Many of the comments spoke of a belief that "The government is coming to take our guns away." I

t's time for the U.S. to realize that your organization, the NRA, has been holding the people of this country hostage. The gun industry has benefited from lies you've spewed and the fires of paranoia you've stoked.

You have bastardized the Second Amendment long enough. The time has come for a Constitutional amendment ending this nonsense that the "right to bear arms" means assault weapons!

It's time that the United States government stopped listening to you. your social media marketing partner
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