Guinta votes to take money for students from health screenings rather than tax millionaires

Written by Carol Shea-Porter   
Friday, 27 April 2012 06:29

New Hampshire- Today, Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter, who is running for Congress in the First Congressional District, released the following statement on Congressman Guinta's vote to raid the preventive health fund.

"Congressman Frank Guinta and his party first refused to vote to keep student interest rates at 3.4% for college students. Political pressure from Democrats, students, and middle class families became too great, so Congressman Guinta raided the preventive health fund, that pays for screenings for breast cancer and cervical cancer among other things, to make up for the money that would have been collected from higher interest rates. Congressmen Frank Guinta and Paul Ryan, instead of taking away tax loopholes for millionaires, are shifting resources from health screenings to students, hoping voters won't notice. Voters already have noticed." your social media marketing partner
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