Rep. Guinta casts deciding vote on Ryan Budget

Written by Carol Shea-Porter   
Thursday, 22 March 2012 06:40
Yesterday, Congressman Frank Guinta cast the deciding vote to pass the Ryan Budget out of the Budget Committee by a vote of 19-18. Among other proposals, The House Budget continues the Bush tax cuts for millionaires and extends corporate welfare programs, cuts nutrition for women and children, decreases Pell grants for students, hurts seniors, cuts money for veterans' programs, and cuts transportation funding. Today, former Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter, who is running for the NH-01 Congressional seat, released the following statement on that vote.

"Congressman Guinta cast the deciding vote to hurt America's middle class. Mr. Guinta cut funding for veterans by 13%, cut the very nutrition programs he claimed he was protecting in his franked mail to women last week, and cut money to help NH families educate their kids, starting from Head Start through college. Congressmen Guinta and Ryan raced this bill through the full committee in just 24 hours, without even allowing members to read it, because our tea partier congressman knew this bill was too extreme for them and too extreme for New Hampshire also." your social media marketing partner
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