Protest Chaplains

Written by Bishop Andrew Gentry   
Tuesday, 11 October 2011 05:47
Beloved Friends,

This morning I received a call from a person to whom I had given one of my "business cards" whilst at the Occupy Asheville movement events. She said to me "Bishop how does it feel to be Asheville's only Protest Chaplain?" I was somewhat confused and she explained to me about a group of essentially seminarians from Boston representing many different churches as well as synagogues and a few mosques that had gone to Occupy Wall Street as volunteer chaplains. After her explanation I told her that if I was indeed the only clergy person so identified I would be honored to be known as such. Following our conversation I did some research and found that these wonderful young people, mostly young people, felt that their faith compelled them to stand in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street folkes. They themselves decided on the designation of "Protest Chaplains" and I commend them for their service and commitment. In one article I found there was a quote from a protestor about and to the chaplains that I found most revealing. Here it is. 'You know, you are the first Christians I've seen at a protest... on our side."'

How truly sad, in fact depressingly so. "The Church" should be standing shoulder to shoulder with us whether here in Asheville or in Washington or in any of a thousand cities and countries. Every bishop, pastor, elder, moderator, president, deacon, or whatever should be walking the picket with us every single chance they can. What greater opportunity have we had as followers of Jesus Christ to witness by our presence not by our preaching to the life he calls us to lead. A life of compassion and service to neighbor and one of justice for the oppressed and poor.

One of the organizers told me that a downtown church had given the use of part of their parking lot last week so that people who were camping had a place to camp since the "progressive and inclusive" City of Asheville refused them a permit and I commend this church for its kindness and outreach. You know for many thousands of people who work for social justice and equality the "Church" is seen as the enemy and rightly so in most cases, is it not liberating therefore for every one that this is not always the case!

Even though Glenn Beck is now telling people that we "are going to drag" them out of their homes and offices and kill them as typical of hate mongers who are rich the truth is that we are simply asking for a just and compassionate system that puts person before profit and a government that serves its people not corporations and the rich. I call upon every church and leader here as well as across the country to come and stand with us as Jesus is already doing. You have to make a choice sometime to serve God rather than the system!

Bishop Andrew Gerales Gentry your social media marketing partner
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