A People's History

Written by Michael P Cicerchi   
Monday, 10 January 2011 11:26
Since the passing of Howard Zinn, his book, A People's History of the United States, has become a hot property. Just try reserving it at your local library. The injustice in this country based upon one's wealth or political status is astounding. As documented in scores of examples in that book, time and time again it is only the poor and unconnected who serve prison sentences, get clubbed or even killed, while the wealthy or connected stay out of jail on interminable appeal. Just look at Bradley Manning as compared to Tom DeLay, Bush, Cheyne, Rumsfeld. It has always been thus.
My only point is that, if you haven't yet read this book, it is high time you did so. It is all so familiar. It really should be required reading for all highschool or college students.
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