Norman Finklestein, Alan Dershowitz, et al, I Challenge YOU ALL to Debate MY Dark Side!

Tuesday, 20 March 2012 10:33
Norman Finklestein, is he the ghost of Paul Newman or what? Screw all countries, all movements,(except our own healthy BOWEL MOVEMENTS! lol) Forget solidarity, BDS, etc. We are all in a cult its called culture!

I want to debate all the Finklesteins, the Dershowitz's, the Chompsky's, the "Hillary's" et al, about how the entire world society is a cult! What is culture, afte all? Why, IT IS A CULT! URE IN A CULT! Conjugate CULT: I am (in a cult), you are(in a cult) he she it is(in a cult) , we are (in a cult) you(plural you) are(in a cult), they are (in a cult)!

The only way out is to see society as a cult that excudes those who are conscious of their own dark sides, because those with ANY consciousness of ABSOLUTE inclusion threaten the EXISTENCE OF THE PORNIFICATION OF FORCE!

Symptoms of the pornification of force are wars, abuses of power that are revealed when the arrogance of relative, subjectively constructed judgment rears its ugly head. This limited judgemnen disinforms us that there is "the other" when the other "R" us!

The biggest illusion of all may be that of ownership of property. We hardly own ourselves, let alone can we, do we own anything (ownership is a legal fiction i.e., Joseph Proudhon "Property is theft") when we refuse to "own up" to even HAVING a dark side. We try to push our dark sides off, by projecting them onto "the other" whether "the other" is the immigrant or the 1%, etc.

Those who embrace their own dark sides, have included "the other" ABSOLUTELY instead of RELATIVELY. Simultaneously, they also live , love and laugh absolutely, presently, because they know that is all we really have. All their energy is FOR THE PRESENT! HA HA!

Instead of making "the other" out to be the rason d'etre for the emergence, the maintenance, and the PERFORMANCE of THE PORNIFICATION OF FORCE, those who accept as their IDENTITY their own dark sides, NEED only the wholeness of themselves to be existent! It's ABSOLUTE lovability. I want to kiss MYSELF all the time!

Those who deny their own dark sides will always "live" (if you can call it living at all when you are in a zombie like state, that is) sensing and, perhaps unknowingly, ENABLING, SEEKING, the external evil that is really within THEM.

This is because the pornification of force is their negative core identity, regardless of their constructed social and cultural "masks" and roles, their race, gender, etnicity religion, etc.

So keep whining, all you pornifcators of force, and compete with who whines most virally, have an olympic holocaust, but really, it will HAVE YOU!

Or, try to extricate yourselves from the pornification of force by discarding ALL social and cultural traditions, all countries, all governments all identities, customs, traditions, etc.

Lets all begin to make new "memories", let's MAKE the PRESENT for a change! your social media marketing partner
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