Con-artist Trump is spreading the mass delusion of his never letting a supporter down

Written by RICHARDKANE.philadelphia   
Sunday, 21 April 2019 01:55
I contend Trump never letting a supporter down is a massive con delusion.  Ann Coulter who wants a drastic decrease in immigration agrees when it comes to Trump supposedly fighting immigration, but really engaging in stunts as he pretends it be resisting illegal immigration.

Trump has created a veneer of never letting a supporter down: Tell that to Haitian-Americans who Trump got to vote for him by telling them that Hillary betrayed them. Suddenly out of the clear blue, accused Haitians of having AIDS.Tell that to those planning to buy cheap drugs in Canada with their insurance co-pay, or to those expecting even-handedness in the Middle East.

Better yet tell that to anti-immigration activist, former Trump die-hard, Ann Coulter, who was shocked that Trump got less border-wall funding after he shut down the government then before. Others who dwelt on opposing immigration like Marc Thiessen temporarily called Trump a fool.

Other causes Trump claims to support were damaged by him. The Catholic Church’s abortion stance is an affirmation that caring for developing babies is part of trying to advance a caring community. But thanks to Trump, Catholic School students at the National Pro-life March chanted “Build the Wall!” Trump’s musing on jailing some women for abortion disrupted the US pro-life organization’s caring script. Before Trump the Woman’s movement bemoaned how many young women claimed to be pro-life,  

When it comes to guns most American’s used to say it wasn’t an issue worse arguing about. Meanwhile Trump declaring a national emergency over immigration, makes it easy for another President to declare a national emergency over a mass killing incident. It’s in the NRA’s interest to push to override Trump’s veto. The groups claiming Trump’s support have to, as part of his con, cling to less and less.

It's harder to explain but those dreaming that the word “White Pride” would bring the same affirmation of pride than the term Black Pride, weren't dreaming of: "White people being trigger-happy and dwelling on hate" This is not what most people who used to call themselves red-necks used to want. The more moderate white extremists find it harder nd harder to keep the total nut cases out thanks to Trump.

When it comes to the causes Trump claims to oppose they did far better. Some environmental activists mentioned they were happier that Trump’s pulling out from the Paris climate, instead of just quietly decreasing funding, because it inspired other nation to take the lead, states like California became much tougher on climate change in reaction to Trump.

I personally doubt Trump will quietly accept only two terms in office, and his drumming up international support among foreign despots is part of my reasoning/
Overseas Trump’s lavish support of issues Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu wanted, led to him wining reelection despite corruption charges. So far Israel’s democracy seems strong enough that Netanyahu won’t be able to illegally stop an indictment against him, but things are getting weird.  Netanyahu supported Trump’s original election far more than Russia did, making both Israel and the US less Democratic.
Trump. Netanyahu, and Saudi Crown Prince bin Salmam have been working together. Trump gave the Saudi Crown Prince the confidence not only to assassinate Washington Post columnist Khashoggi but to send compromising photos of Washington Post’s owner and Amazon owner Jeff Benzo to the National Inquirer, an attack on our press freedoms. Prince Salman also kidnapped the Lebanon Prime Minister Al Hariri when he was on a diplomatic visit to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Prince Salman also to put an embargo on Bahrain demanding that Bahrain stop being neutral on Iran and listen to Prince Salman instead.
Trump goes out of his way to support foreign despots who support him. A first glance it is hard to imagine that Kim Jong-un in North Korea has the pull to get Trump to fight with his adviser and fire then over. Rev. Sun Myung Moon lavishly aided North Korea to change the government there, The Moonies were allowed to get around the sanctions that stopped other aid. Now North Korea ended up inheriting the late Rev. Moon’s sophisticated lobbying network. Inclining former Moon’s Washington Times sophisticated persuasion network, that helped co-sponser Trump and continues to do so. The Moonies had practice helping overthrow the Nicaraguan Sandinista  government,
In a crunch, foreign force is available to keep Trump in Power.
During Viet Nan when a hawk became a dove the movement cheered them, other times people fighting police abuse yawned when a cop got in trouble for not being tough enough, The extent that Ann Coulter is or is not cheered by those who disagree with her on the immigration issue may make the difference in where or not Trump is stopped. So far only Bill Marh is giving her extensive coverage,

Let's all look hard for Trump supporters who woke up to being conned. Please post the so-far rare examples here and get in touch with both both of them to do likewise. your social media marketing partner
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