Intelligence: Not knowing what is known

Written by Zepp Jamieson   
Saturday, 17 February 2018 04:30

Bryan Zepp Jamieson

February 17th 2018


Robert Mueller’s office handed down indictments on three Russian ‘entities’ and thirteen Russian operatives working out of Russia’s most notorious troll farm yesterday, and pretty much everyone was taken by surprise. The fact that it was a complete surprise is a testament to the security Mueller maintains over his staff. Compare with the inept Ken Starr, who all but invited Matt Drudge over for pajama parties so they could gossip about Monica.

The direction was unexpected, too. For all the press attention it is getting, social media manipulation is a relatively minor part of the multi-pronged Russian assault against the United States and the west in general. Yes, hundreds of thousands of people read the anti-Clinton stuff the Putniks were spreading on lines, but in the vast majority of cases it was just confirmation bias; these same assholes were wearing those stupid gimmie caps and chanting “Lock her up!” at rallies.

Nor are any of the indictments ever going to end up in trials. These clowns are all in Russia, and Putin isn’t about to let his operatives come over to the US and testify against him. He doesn’t even want to dump the hopelessly damaged Trump, since Trump’s continued presence in office will continue to disrupt and weaken the United States.

So why did Mueller make this a priority fast track in what is clearly a vast and multi-faceted investigation? He has prima facie evidence of Obstruction of Justice by White House officials, up to and including the President and Vice President. He must have gigabytes of information on Trump’s violations of the Emoluments Clause, racketeering, corruption, and fraud. Some 130 staff in the White House, up to and including the press secretary, lack the required security clearances, so there are clear and straightforward national security breaches right there. Mueller’s 20 hours’ of meeting with Steve Bannon last week, and the reported new indictments being lined up against turncoat Paul Manafort suggest he is vigorously pursuing that line of inquiry. He may even be investigating Trump’s tacky, tawdry, filthy and disgusting sex life, not for the Ken Starr titillation effect, but simply to see what violations of national security may have occurred there. As with Bill Clinton, Trump’s little sexual adventures don’t actually break any laws.

Mueller focused on Internet Research Agency, one of the main Russian troll farms. The report was fantastically detailed. He had a long list of the real names and positions of people within the extremely secretive unit, and was able to describe the functions of various subgroups within, what Americans were targeted, how they were targeted, and, while not spelled out, a sophistication of knowledge of American voters that suggested a lot of their operative information came from American political consulting firms.

It does put paid to the propaganda that “Russian influence” is a hoax. Alternet had the misfortune to run a lead story about how “Russian interference in US elections” is a load of hooey the day before Mueller’s latest move, but I suspect that’s the last such story we’ll see from the delusional far left who still cling to the belief that Julian Assange was a noble warrior for public knowledge, unbiased and pure as the driven snow. No, Assange was a Putin stooge, and much of the far left blindly followed him.

Oh, Trump will continue shouting “No collusion!” secure in the knowledge that ‘collusion’ isn’t an actual legal term and so he isn’t committing perjury by saying it. He can point to his head and shout “No combover!” and while he may not be overly credible, he isn’t committing perjury.

Trump doesn’t have a combover, and he didn’t collude with the Russians. Isn’t that right, boys and girls?

But there is a bigger motivation behind yesterday’s indictments. As mentioned, they are fantastically detailed. Mueller had several moles in the organization, either though intelligence agencies or diplomatic agents. He knows that outfit better than it knows itself. (And there were things Internet Research Agency didn’t know about itself, including that it was riddled with American spies. They even got their emails hacked, a delicious bit of irony.)

Mueller was sending a message, and that message was, “We Know.”

We know everything. We know exactly what the Russians were doing, and even though we aren’t saying so now, we know what Americans acted as their dupes, and which acted as their agents. Rob Rosenstein, presenting the indictments to the media, said, “There's no allegation that any American was knowingly involved in the conspiracy.”


This particular set of indictments doesn’t have any such allegations, and the Axis Sallies over at Faux News were wiping their collective brows and declaiming, “See! No Republicans were involved. It was all Hillary.”

But in the White House and the GOP, the message is clear. Mueller knows. He knows everything.

If you want to save your ass, cut a deal with Mueller right now, because time is running out. You can go in an sing like a canary now, and perhaps salvage something resembling a normal life, if one well out of the public eye, afterward.

Or you can cast your lot in with Captain Pissmop and his team of turncoats and thieves, and hang with them, leaving families who will try to forget you ever existed.

Mueller has laid out his cards, face down, and he is tapping them. He isn’t smiling, but there is a glint of cold amusement in his eyes. He knows what cards he has.

Do you fold, or do you push your entire life into the kitty?

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