This Government and its Enablers Must Be Removed

Written by citizenpaine   
Saturday, 25 February 2017 01:51

Have you recently made the "ironical" speculation that Trump's appointments to the key departments of state seem to have been selected specifically to destroy their respective departments?

Well, Steve Bannon's comments at last Thursday's Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) confirms that intention without any doubt---that these appointments were indeed all made with with the intention of destroying each of their departments, without any question.

Without any question.       

Not a cynical speculation. Not a theory. The intent of this monster and his imbecile "boss" is in fact anarchism. While people speculate on "possibilities," this government is, now by open decree, deconstructing the American government of and by the people as surely as if we had been invaded by military force by a foreign power, who is now determined to reduce our government and our national identity into nothing.

With Bannon's declaration (and confession), the situation has now gone beyond issues of religious or racial persecution, oppression of LGBTs, dismatling of "Obamacare," net neutrality, recognizing global warming or saving the environment and the rest of the current squabbles.

And the prospect of remedying this situation has now gone beyond the point of "protesting," and way beyond the point of reforming the corrupt, entrenched "Democratic Party" by appointing either Tweedledum or Tweedledee to lead its continuing role as the weaker faux "opposition" party, who only maintains is role at the table by its complicity in enabling the real powers that be. This is especially poigniant now that those powers have openly vowed to dismantle the great American experiment with democracy.

The last time this country was faced with a leader who was certifiably insane was 1776. We were British then. It was not "them against us." It was us against George III. He was nuts, but he had the guns, the military and the navy. And we took him on. (Or, a lot of us did.) And we won.

The fact is, a lot of people here would like to live under a dictatorship. You'd have to call it something else, as we've all been sensitized to that name, like "fascism." But if you called it something else, they'd be fine with it. They've given up on democracy, perhaps for good reason. Or perhaps they never trusted it all along. Socrates was against democracy. He saw its weaknesses.

We in the US have a rather unique history in the world, as we've had relative success with democracy for nearly 200 years. Other countries, not so much. France went to hell after it's revolution. Other countries with successful democracies are actually still in "transition," like England and Japan, who are not quite ready to make a clean break with  their monarchies and commonwealth affiliations. Russia has had only a brief encounter with a non-monarchical government, and that went directly into an outright tyranny; so we can understand why that country would support a leader like Putin. Turkey's experiment with a parliamentary system with no monarch has been bumpy, several times interceded by its military; and now its leader's current bid to become dictator is supported by a significant percentage of the population, paraticularly rural and religious.

In 1782 Col. Lewis Nicola, an associate of George Washington, discussed with him the merits of a limited monarchy, though it never took hold here in the US.

Those who are now in the seat of power, who have avowed to "deconstruct" (destroy) the entire US government, must be immediately incarcerated. They have knowingly committed treason against the US and its Constitution, and must be prosecuted for this. They must NOT be allowed to remain in office for another moment, or another "executive decree."

The US is at a crisis point of the first order, the biggest since 1776. If  those of us who would like to stay free of tyranny do not recognize it for what it is, our government will be reduced to an anarchy that will support only a dictator or a dictatorial junta. Needless to say, our military will play an important part in this. Let us hope their intent is to support the Constitution, rather than the Commander in Chief.

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