An Open Letter to Barack

Written by Steve Raymond   
Friday, 07 November 2014 15:34
When you said that you heard the American people, were you referring to the dismally small number of citizens who voted, or were you referring to the larger number of those of us who didn't vote; those of us who supported you wholeheartedly in 2008 and again in 2012? I hope that you heard our silent voices and understand that we have become disillusioned with the 'hope' that you gave to us, but then did not deliver. We hoped that you would close Guantanamo. We hoped that you would end the wars. We hoped that you would understand the essence of the American dream and not chase patriots like Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning, but rather put your efforts into chasing the real criminals at JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America, we hoped that you would understand why you had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and not kill people with drones, we hoped that you would help students drowning in debt from their loans, we hoped that you would not try to imprison reporters for not divulging their sources. In other words, we hoped that you would have kept the hope alive.

Steve Raymond your social media marketing partner
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